
Blesta 3.0: Ticket System (video)

April 12, 2013 | Posted by Paul

The ticket system in v3 is a plugin, which means it can be installed or uninstalled with the click of a button. If you haven’t noticed yet, we try to keep things simple by separating everything into one of two categories: Core, and Extensions. Since extensions can register links and views in the system, if you don’t need a particular extension uninstalling it results in a lighter interface.

I don’t know about you, but I feel less stressed, and more productive with less clutter!

Here are some of the features in the ticket system:

  1. Tickets can be created and updated via email and the interface.
  2. Tickets belong to departments, and can be assigned to staff and escalated to other departments.
  3. Staff can communicate privately with one another through Notes within a ticket.
  4. Attachments can be added to tickets.
  5. Predefined Responses make replying to frequent requests effortless.
  6. The ticket queue / overview can be made full screen, useful for projecting up on the wall in a NOC.
  7. Support staff members have schedules, which define when they receive ticket notices.
  8. Markdown syntax is supported for styling responses. For example *italic*, **bold**, # H1, ## H2, ### H3, and more.

Overall a lot of improvements over the ticket system in v2.5, and we have even more planned for future releases. The video is below, be sure to turn on your sound and make the video full-screen.

Blesta 3.0: Staff BCC Notices (video)

September 21, 2012 | Posted by Paul

In software development, this is where things start to get really exciting for me. Thousands of hours of planning, research, and development all coming together into a single product. I feel like we’re entering the home stretch, even though our next release is in many ways just the beginning of what will surely be plenty of fantastic, feature-rich updates and extensions.

The video today focuses on a rather small feature: Staff BCC Notices. But, this feature is representative of how we approach both permissions and usability. In terms of usability, staff members can subscribe to only those client emails that they want to receive a copy of with just a few clicks. In terms of permissions, the client emails they can subscribe to are specified as part of their staff group so staff members may only opt-in to notices that they have been given permission for. This might vary depending on the staff role, billing or sales, for example.

The video is below, as usual you can make the video full screen, and be sure to turn on your sound!

Blesta 3.0: Full Featured ACL (video)

September 28, 2011 | Posted by Paul

ACLs (Access Control Lists) allow refined control over resources in Blesta v3. There are a few notable differences in the way ACLs are implemented in Blesta vs other applications.

  1. Plugins can easily register resources into the permission system to be controlled within the Staff Groups settings page for seamless integration.
  2. The permission system automatically ties into the primary and secondary navigation elements, so even custom controllers can take advantage of the ACL.
  3. The ACL library can be invoked directly for even more refined control. You can design your own hierarchy of permissions and explicitly deny or allow any resource.

In this video, I touch on some of the basics. The ACL currently has 87 resources, but we’ll likely have over 100 in the initial release for the core. The Order and Support plugins will add to that.