
Blesta 3.5 Beta Released

May 27, 2015 | Posted by Paul

We are excited to announce that 3.5.0 BETA has been released! If you purchased Blesta direct, you may download from the client area now (Login Required). During installation, choose to start a free trial unless you have a dev license you can use. Then, head over to our 3.5 beta forums to report any bugs and let us know what you think.

Beta releases are for non-production use and are not supported.

Knowledge Base

So what is new in 3.5?

Here are some of the new features in 3.5:

  • Configurable Option upgrades & downgrades
  • Configurable Option permissions (Client add/edit)
  • Coupons can apply to configurable options
  • SolusVM configurable option support (See the docs)
  • Custom Reports (See the docs)
  • New Events including service cancel/suspend/unsuspend

Configurable option upgrades and downgrades are great. When a client chooses to upgrade the configurable options for their service they are billed the prorated difference. The upgrade happens after payment has been received, or immediately depending on your configuration. Blesta can also issue a credit when downgrading options for the prorated difference.

The SolusVM module has also seen many improvements. We worked with SolusVM to get new API commands so that we could fully support additive extras. Extra IPs, disk space, bandwidth, CPUs, memory, and swap are now all supported. Additionally, friendly OS template names are displayed by default, pulled straight from SolusVM.

There’s a lot more in this release, see the release notes for details.

When is the final release?

Version 3.5 will be officially released after the beta phase is completed. Generally the beta for a minor release lasts around 2-3 weeks, but it can vary. An official release is only made once we deem it to be stable.

What are you waiting for? Download the beta and let us know what you think!


Blesta 3.4 Beta Released

December 12, 2014 | Posted by Paul

We are excited to announce that 3.4.0 BETA 1 has been released! If you purchased Blesta direct, you may download from the client area now (Login Required). During installation, choose to start a free trial unless you have a dev license you can use. Then, head over to our 3.4 beta forums to report any bugs and let us know what you think.

We don’t recommend using beta releases in production.

Knowledge Base

So what is new in 3.4?

Blesta 3.4 has the following new features:

  • Knowledge Base (Included with the Support Manager Plugin)
  • Contact Logins with Permissions
  • Client & Contact Two-Factor Authentication
  • Package Groups can have descriptions
  • Support Staff receive an email when a ticket is assigned to them
  • Tax ID field can be hidden for specific Client Groups
  • Staff can edit recurring coupons
  • Plugins can be disabled without uninstalling them

We also added a new security feature for Staff Groups that log out Staff if their IP address changes, preventing a possible attacker from using a stolen cookie. This is the default option for new installations, but must be enabled for existing Staff groups if upgrading. Thanks to Rack911 for the suggestion.

There’s a lot more in this release, see the release notes for details.

When is the final release?

Version 3.4 will be officially released after the beta phase is completed. Generally the beta for a minor release lasts around 2-3 weeks, but it can vary. An official release is only made once we deem it to be stable.

What are you waiting for? Download the beta and let us know what you think!

Blesta 3.2 Beta Released

April 23, 2014 | Posted by Paul

We are excited to announce that the beta has begun for Blesta 3.2! If you purchased Blesta direct, you may download blesta-3.2.0-b1 from the client area now (Login required). During installation choose to start a free trial unless you have a dev license you can use. Then, head over to our 3.2 beta forums to report any bugs and let us know what you think.

iPad Mini Order Wizard

So what’s in 3.2?

The focus of 3.2 is the client area. The entire client area has been rebuilt on top of Bootstrap 3 and is responsive. Additionally, 4 new responsive order templates have been created, including:

  • Ajax Slider (A one page ajax order form with a slider package selector)
  • Ajax Boxes (A one page ajax order form with a boxes package selector)
  • Wizard Slider (A multi-step wizard order form with a slider package selector)
  • Wizard Boxes (A multi-step wizard order form with a boxes package selector)

We really like these new order forms and we hope you do too.

There’s a lot more in this release, see the release notes for details.

When is the final release?

Version 3.2 will be officially released after the beta phase is completed. Generally the beta for a minor release lasts around 2-3 weeks, but it can vary. An official release is only made once we deem it to be stable.

If you have any custom plugins or modules or website integrations, we suggest installing the beta and getting a head start integrating. Anything custom that renders views in the client area will need to be updated.

Blesta 3.1: Beta Released

December 20, 2013 | Posted by Paul

We’re excited to announce that Blesta 3.1 beta 1 has been released. If you didn’t receive the announcement email, you can view it online here. The release notes are also available here.



We’ve been working on 3.1 for a while now, and it’s time for a beta! Betas are open to direct customers, and the download is available now within the client area. Login at, click “Downloads”, then “Betas”, then 3.1.0-b1 download.

During installation, select to start a 30-day free trial unless you have another license available, such as a development license. If you need help, please open a ticket.

If you don’t have a Blesta license yet, you can still get into the Beta. Now’s a good time to buy!

Once you get the beta installed, head on over to the forums and let us know what you think. Your feedback is very important to us, and will help us get to a final release as quickly as possible.

Blesta 3.0: Beta Released

May 15, 2013 | Posted by Paul

We’re excited to announce that the Blesta v3 beta 1 has been released. If you didn’t receive the announcement email, you can view it online here.



If you are participating in the beta, we look forward to your feedback!

If you have a paid license and want to get started with the beta, go to and enter your v2 license key. On step 2 click “Continue” not “Checkout”. Then, create a new account and follow the steps to complete checkout. Your beta license will be sent to you via email within a few minutes. Email support if you run into any trouble.

If you don’t have a paid license and want in on the beta, you can purchase Blesta v2.5 today for the promo price of $99, and then follow the directions above to request your beta key.

So far the response to the beta has been pretty huge, and we are very thankful for all of the support and words of encouragement! Together, we can make Blesta the best, most trusted billing software available!
