Features Overview
Blesta is loaded with so many features, you're going to have to give the trial a spin to experience it yourself.
Payment Gateways
Accept a wide array of Payment Gateways like Stripe, Authorize.net, PayPal & more.
Automatic Provisioning
Orders are provisioned automatically through many supported module integrations.
Recurring Billing
Automatic invoice generation from recurring services and automatic payment processing.
Automatic Suspension
Automatic suspension of services for unpaid invoices, and automatic unsuspension when paid.
Create coupons that are time or quantity based with term limitations of a specific amount or percentage.
Up to two levels of inclusive and exclusive taxes. EU VIES and UK HMRC VAT validation supported.
Add and bill clients in any currency. Automatic currency conversion and rate updating.
Prorata Billing
Optionally configure services to renew on a specific day of the month. Upgrades & downgrades prorated.
Customer Management
Blesta provides both a staff and a client interface. Staff can manage all aspects of a client from their client profile page. Clients can place orders and login to manage their own accounts.

Customize Blesta
Easily customize the Blesta admin or client areas by creating your own color theme and CSS overrides. Interested in changing more? There are 3rd party templates available on the marketplace.
You can also sort or disable client cards and widgets, change the logo, and re-arrange or update the navigation.

Payment Gateways
Install and configure one or more payment gateways. Payments are processed directly with your merchant gateways, we do not take a percentage of your processing.
See Integrations
Provisioning Modules
Blesta supports many modules and there are more in the marketplace. Modules allow for the automatic provisioning of services, and can provide management features to the client.
After installing your desired modules, create Packages that set your pricing options and welcome email content.
See Integrations
Sell domains, shared hosting, virtual servers, and just about anything else you can think of through Blesta. If there's a module for it, it'll be provisioned automatically.

Blesta includes a fully featured support ticket system as well as a knowledge base. Tickets can be created and updated within the client area as well as by email. Staff notifications, custom ticket department fields, auto-close, ticket reminders, and much more.
- Ticket System
- Knowledge Base

Automate Your Business
Blesta invoices customers automatically; provisions orders automatically; charges customers automatically, and so much more. You have full control of the when and how..
- Orders
- Invoices
- Payments
- Late Notices
- Suspensions