
Blesta 4.7.1 Patch Released

September 24, 2019 | Posted by Paul

We are pleased to announce the released of Blesta 4.7.1, which addresses bugs discovered in the 4.7.0 branch. A big thanks to everyone who participated in helping to make Blesta better by reporting and confirming bugs on our forums and discord chat, we appreciate your help!

The release notes are available at

Always run /admin/upgrade in your browser after patching or upgrading your installation. Patch releases may only be applied to the minor release to which it belongs. Only apply the patch if you are running 4.7.0. If you are running an earlier version, you must download the full release.

Download 4.7.1 Patch Download 4.7.1 Full

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To patch your installation, please follow the instructions for Patching an Existing Install from our user manual.

Blesta 4.7 Released

September 12, 2019 | Posted by Paul

Blesta 4.7 is now available! A new Stripe Payments gateway provides compliance for SCA (Strong Customer Authentication), 3DSecure. Updated Support Manager allows re-assigning of tickets. Updated DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, VestaCP, and BuycPanel modules, search improvements, and much more!

Download 4.7

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See the documentation for details on how to install or upgrade.

What’s new in 4.7?

  • Added the new Stripe Payments gateway with SCA, 3DS support and a migration utility to move Payment Accounts from legacy Stripe. (See docs.)
  • Updated the merchant gateway system in the core, adding the interface MerchantCcForm to support other SCA gateways in the future.
  • Addons shown in the expandible area now show renew price and service information.
  • Updated DirectAdmin so that it no longer asks for a username and password, but automatically generates them, and added a password generator when changing the password in Blesta.
  • Updated the Support Manager so that tickets can be assigned and re-assigned. Email tags include additional client information, and buttons are disabled on click to prevent duplicate submissions.
  • Updated the BuycPanel module to add support for the new cPanel license types.
  • Updated the VestaCP module so that it now always generates a unique username.
  • Updated cPanel so that domains starting with the word “test” no longer result in usernames with that word.
  • Updated the Order Manager so that the domain name being purchased is now displayed in the order summary.
  • Updated the API URL endpoint for the Payza gateway.
  • Search has been improved to allow searching by Order Number, and contacts are now included in client searches.
  • Amounts are now rounded to the precision specified for the currency.
  • Client Setting changes are now visible in the log under Tools > Logs.
  • Pay Now links sent in emails now show a message if the invoice was already paid.

See our beta announcement for more and the release notes for everything.

Stay Connected!

Like our Facebook page, join our Facebook group, follow us on Twitter, and join us in Discord.


Blesta 4.7 Beta Released

September 5, 2019 | Posted by Paul

We are pleased to announce that Blesta 4.7.0 BETA 1 has been released!

Can I participate in the beta?

If you have an owned or monthly license with us directly, you may download in the client area now (Login Required). If you obtained your license from a reseller or distributor, you may be able to participate. Contact your reseller to find out. As with any beta, this release is for non-production use only and is unsupported. During installation, choose to start a free trial, open a ticket to request a trial key, or use your dev license if you have one.

Once you are up and running, head to the forums to report any issues and let us know what you think! If you have a license and are verified or become verified on our Discord chat, you’ll have access to a license holder only beta forum.

Visit the Beta Forums! Visit Discord Chat!

Stripe 3DS / SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) Support

(Caption: Stripe 3DS / SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) support, during checkout.)

So what is new in 4.7?

Blesta version 4.7 includes an updated gateway system with support for the new Stripe Payments 3DS/SCA gateway, new features & improvements, updated extensions, and more.

New Extensions

These extensions are new with Blesta 4.7.

  • Stripe Payments (With SCA, 3DS Support). (See docs.)

Note! If you are using Stripe with tokenization currently, you can install the new Stripe Payments gateway and run the Migration utility to move all existing offsite payment accounts to the new gateway.

Updated Extensions

  • DirectAdmin - Clients are no longer required to provide a username, password, or email address.
  • DirectAdmin - Added a password generator when changing password.
  • Plesk - Updated the strength of automatic password generator.
  • cPanel - Domains beginning with “test” no longer result in invalid usernames beginning with “test”.
  • VestaCP - Now always generates a unique username that does not already exist in VestaCP.
  • Support Manager - Tickets can now be assigned or re-assigned to clients.
  • Support Manager - Additional client information now included in email tags.
  • Support Manager - Ticket submit button now disabled on click to prevent multiple submissions.
  • Order Manager - Orders can now be searched by order number.
  • Order Manager - Custom client field default options are now observed on order forms.
  • Order Manager - Updated to support the new merchant gateway interface MerchantCcForm.

Changes to the Core

  • Updated the merchant gateway system, adding the interface MerchantCcForm to support SCA gateways like Stripe Payments.
  • Pay Now links now show a message if the invoice was already paid.
  • Logging - The Client Settings logs can now be viewed under Tools > Logs.
  • Addons - Renew price and service information is now shown for addon services.
  • Client search now includes secondary contacts.
  • Amounts are now rounded to the precision specified for the currency, improving rounding.
  • Added a markdown editor for Package and Package Option descriptions.
  • Added many new tooltips for non-trivial settings.

Changes for Developers

  • Added the new merchant gateway interface MerchantCcForm.

Note Regarding Hotfixes

Blesta now ships with bundled encoded files that support PHP 5.4 through PHP 7.3 out of the box. This means that you should not need to upload any hotfixes unless you are running a version of Ioncube loaders older than version 10.1. If you are running old Ioncube loaders, upgrade Ioncube or apply the following hotfix based on your PHP version:

  • PHP version >= 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php71/blesta/
  • PHP version >= 5.6.0 and < 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php7/blesta/
  • PHP version >= 5.4.0 and < 5.6.0 - use /hotfix-php54/blesta/

See the release notes for more details on this release.

Is there something you want to see in Blesta? Create a new feature request or upvote an existing one!

When is the final release?

Version 4.7 will be officially released after the beta phase has completed, which we expect to happen soon. Once we deem 4.7 stable for production, a final release will be issued. You can help by participating in the beta!

Blesta 4.6 Released

June 19, 2019 | Posted by Paul

Blesta 4.6 is now available! Offer on-boarding discounts by setting a different renewal price in your packages, mark configurable options inactive and set a default option, void past due invoices when their services are cancelled even after they are due, and much more!

Download 4.6

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See the documentation for details on how to install or upgrade.

What’s new in 4.6?

  • Set a different renewal price. Offer onboarding discounts for services that renew at a different price.
  • Configurable options can now be marked as inactive.
  • Configurable options now support a default option that will be preselected.
  • Configurable options now allow descriptions to be set, which appear as tooltips on order forms.
  • Invoices can now be voided when they are already past due and their services are cancelled, up to a specified number of days.
  • Invoices can now be searched by the Invoice ID.
  • You can now force unique client email addresses for clients, or for all contacts.
  • When adding a service as staff, you can select the server to provision on, overriding the Package setting.
  • cPanel now supports Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Added the payment gateway WidePay.
  • Updated the cWatch module to add support for standard FTP malware checks and license upgrades/downgrades.
  • Added support for PHP 7.3.
  • No hotfix needed when running Ioncube loaders 10.1+.

See our beta announcement for more and the release notes for everything.

A big shout out to the following companies for sponsoring development for one or more items in this release.

Sponsored development is a good way to support Blesta and get a shout out for your company! Interested? Reach out and say hello.

Stay Connected!

Like our Facebook page, join our Facebook group, follow us on Twitter, and join us in Discord.


Blesta 4.6 Beta Released

May 28, 2019 | Posted by Paul

We are pleased to announce that Blesta 4.6.0 BETA 1 has been released!

Can I participate in the beta?

If you have an owned or monthly license with us directly, you may download in the client area now (Login Required). If you obtained your license from a reseller or distributor, you may be able to participate. Contact your reseller to find out. As with any beta, this release is for non-production use only and is unsupported. During installation, choose to start a free trial, open a ticket to request a trial key, or use your dev license if you have one.

Once you are up and running, head to the forums to report any issues and let us know what you think! If you have a license and are verified or become verified on our Discord chat, you’ll have access to a license holder only beta forum.

Visit the Beta Forums! Visit Discord Chat!

While viewing a ticket, staff are alerted and can show replies when an update occurs.

(Caption: Optionally set a different renew price for Packages. Good for onboarding discounts.)

So what is new in 4.6?

Blesta version 4.6 includes some unique new features, usability improvements, updated extensions, and more.

New Extensions

These extensions are new with Blesta 4.6.

  • Widepay gateway. (See docs.)

Updated Extensions

  • cPanel - Added Single Sign On (SSO) support. Show account totals for each server group.
  • cWatch - Implement license upgrades/downgrades and many other improvements.
  • DirectAdmin, Proxmox - Added a port field for non-standard API ports.

Changes to the Core

  • Renewal Price Option - Optionally set a renew price that is different from the new price for services.
  • Configurable Options - You can now set a default option.
  • Configurable Options - You can now mark options as “inactive”, so that the option is not available to new clients.
  • Configurable Options - You can set descriptions for options that appear as tooltips.
  • Invoices - Can now be voided when a service is cancelled even if it is past due, up to a time you specify. (Settings > Company > Billing/Payment)
  • Invoices - Improved support for avoiding deadlocks when invoice generation is running.
  • Invoices - Invoice search now allows searching by the Invoice ID.
  • New Setting allows forcing unique email addresses for clients or all contacts. (Settings > Company > Client Options > General Client Settings)
  • When adding a service manually as a staff member, you can select the module row / server to be used, overriding Package settings.
  • Module log now includes the staff member that initiated the action.
  • When recording payment for a client, staff may now select a status other than “Approved”.
  • Client Area - Now show “Pending” transactions in the transactions widget.

Changes for Developers

  • Added an FTP(S) library to the core. Previously only SFTP was supported through phpseclib. Currently used by the cWatch module.

Note Regarding Hotfixes

Blesta now ships with bundled encoded files that support PHP 5.4 through PHP 7.3 out of the box. This means that you should not need to upload any hotfixes unless you are running a version of Ioncube loaders older than version 10.1. If you are running old Ioncube loaders, upgrade Ioncube or apply the following hotfix based on your PHP version:

  • PHP version >= 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php71/blesta/
  • PHP version >= 5.6.0 and < 7.1.0 - use /hotfix-php7/blesta/
  • PHP version >= 5.4.0 and < 5.6.0 - use /hotfix-php54/blesta/

See the release notes for more details on this release.

Is there something you want to see in Blesta? Create a new feature request or upvote an existing one!

When is the final release?

Version 4.6 will be officially released after the beta phase has completed, which we expect to take a few weeks. Once we deem 4.6 stable for production, a final release will be issued. You can help by participating in the beta!