
Blesta 3.0: Download Manager

July 27, 2012 | Posted by Paul

It’s been a busy week, which is pretty normal.. but extra busy because we’re a man down right now. Tyson does great work here, and the Superior Court of California thought he would do a great job as a juror too. I’m sure he will, and we hope to have him back from jury duty next week to hear all about it. (And also to get back to cranking on Blesta!)

I get a lot of email and phone calls about Blesta, and in talking with people, certain things start to stand out.. like the incredible need for a downloads section in the client area. I was happy to tell several people this week that it will be included in v3.

And then I realized that we haven’t really mentioned this before.

The download manager is a plugin, and here’s what it looks like installed in the staff interface..

Here’s the link it registers in the client interface where all the downloady-goodness appears..

Other plugins can register links here too. So there you have it! Downloads ship with v3.

Thanks for reading, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!