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Hello I'm Brandon Hopkins,


I just have a quick question for you guys. I noticed when testing creating an account and purchasing a hosting package everything worked very smoothing and I'm loving this billing client. Just one thing, I had to go in as an administrator and approve the account. Just clicked a button and it worked.


But, what I need to know how to do is skip that. I want to so once people get a package it automatically approves it after payment and send the email with the account info.


Thanks for your time!


Services I use: WHM, cPanel, Stripe.

3 answers to this question

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You just need the order form to be set to automatically accept orders.


on the order form untick the section saying manually approve orders.


Then they should provision on the cron after the payment. Crons run a minimum of 5 minutes which you can edit in the settings. So if someone places a order at 18:11 they would have to wait until 18:15/18:16 for it to be activated. 

If you use paypal if the payment don't mark the invoices paid you will need to update your IPN callback url to: http://yourdomain.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/ eg: http://billing.cubicwebs.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/

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You just need the order form to be set to automatically accept orders.


on the order form untick the section saying manually approve orders.


Then they should provision on the cron after the payment. Crons run a minimum of 5 minutes which you can edit in the settings. So if someone places a order at 18:11 they would have to wait until 18:15/18:16 for it to be activated. 

If you use paypal if the payment don't mark the invoices paid you will need to update your IPN callback url to: http://yourdomain.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/ eg: http://billing.cubicwebs.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/


Thank you very much for you support. I retested it with the cronjob and it worked just fine!

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Thank you very much for you support. I retested it with the cronjob and it worked just fine!

Fantastic, and you're welcome glad you got it working.


If you prefer you can edit the Email Template for Account Registration and add the following:

Hi {contact.first_name}!

Thank you for registering with us. Your new account has been set up and you may login to our client area with the details below. Please login and change your password at your earliest convenience.

Login at.. http://{client_url}login/ with..

Username: {username}
Password: ******** [Hidden for security]

If you placed an order for services, you'll receive a separate email once they are activated, please note our crons run every five minutes.

Thank you for choosing {company.name}!

That way you should limit the support tickets from clients asking when their service will be active.

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