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In my Blesta install, the default currency is HUF. Under Active Currencies=>Edit Currencies I set it up in a format that it only shows whole numbers (1200 not 1200.25).

In Hungary the sales tax is 27%, so when it adds tax on top of 20 HUF, on the invoice is 25.4.


Can you tell me how can I set it up the invoice amount with rounding?


Thank you for your help!



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The best way to explain it is: the lower the number (1 - 5) it will round up to the lower number, the higher the number (6-9) it will round it up to the higher number.


25.885 rounded up to say 9 will make it 25.89 or if you was to round it up to say 3 it will be 25.87.


Well I think that's the reason behind it lol. Paul, Cody and Tyson will be on soon who can explain it much better than me.

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No, the Pad Exhange rate is the amount (in %) what you would like to add  as an extra to the exhanged currency. I think... :)


Ah well erm I don't think we can then, well not yet. Paul, Cody and Tyson should be able to update you on this, might be a good feature to request. :)

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I think we need some more discussion on this. It would be great if users of other currencies could chime in here about their country/currency requirements.


The easiest solution, I think, would be when we calculate invoice totals (Invoices::calcLineTotals()) we format the values in decimal format to limit the length of the fractional portion.


For example, the total 1234.5600 in "# ###" format is displayed as 1 235 in currency format. However, perhaps the total value should instead be rounded as well to 1235.


Since this may vary from country to country and currency to currency, perhaps it should be a system config option or currency setting.

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This is exactly what I am looking for! Thanks! Could you guys add it to the next update? :)

I think we need some more discussion on this. It would be great if users of other currencies could chime in here about their country/currency requirements.


The easiest solution, I think, would be when we calculate invoice totals (Invoices::calcLineTotals()) we format the values in decimal format to limit the length of the fractional portion.


For example, the total 1234.5600 in "# ###" format is displayed as 1 235 in currency format. However, perhaps the total value should instead be rounded as well to 1235.


Since this may vary from country to country and currency to currency, perhaps it should be a system config option or currency setting.

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This is exactly what I am looking for! Thanks! Could you guys add it to the next update? :)


The next release is 3.0.3, which is a patch release. Patch releases don't contain new features, so it won't be in there.


It might make it in 3.1.0, but that depends entirely on the type of feedback we get, since this issue is still open for discussion.

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Could you tell me, until this makes it to Blesta, can I modify the code to make this work? Where and how?


Thank You!


I think we need some more discussion on this. It would be great if users of other currencies could chime in here about their country/currency requirements.


The easiest solution, I think, would be when we calculate invoice totals (Invoices::calcLineTotals()) we format the values in decimal format to limit the length of the fractional portion.


For example, the total 1234.5600 in "# ###" format is displayed as 1 235 in currency format. However, perhaps the total value should instead be rounded as well to 1235.


Since this may vary from country to country and currency to currency, perhaps it should be a system config option or currency setting.

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Could you tell me, until this makes it to Blesta, can I modify the code to make this work? Where and how?


Thank You!


Until we've investigated and determined steps required to implement this feature, I won't be able to tell you what to change.

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We use Blesta 2.5 and this function is working as it should. Unfortunatly we can not use Blesta 3 until this is resolved. We invested a lot of time (translating, customizing etc.) and energie to be able to use the new version and now we can not because of this tiny problem. Please guys, we need this.

Until we've investigated and determined steps required to implement this feature, I won't be able to tell you what to change.

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Hi guys! Any update on this? Still using Blesta 2.5 because of this. Please take another look at it and help me with it! Thanks!


I'm not sure with invoices pages, I know how to do it for emails. But they might bring this in 3.3 as the aim is invoices that I know of, however Paul and the guys will know more.

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