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Changing Free Month to Paid, Must be a Better Way




Really looking for an easy way I can change the free month plan to a paid plan. The reassign does not work gives an error although I changed and updated the plan. Not sure how to get this to work. Only way I see right now is placing the free plan in the paid plan but prefer keeping separate as persons can downgrade to a free plan.

I know @Paul said something was being worked on but in the mean time any ideas as persons have setup their sites on the free and want to upgrade but I do not want to delete the account and ask to make a new package as this will wipe out the free account files.

Must be a good way to do this.

Thank you in advance for any help on this.

8 answers to this question

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Understand but you must understand I came from ClientExec who had a automatic free accounts in their system for monthly accounts when clients signed up and would revert to a paid account, Blesta does not do this. I am stuck with a free account which cancels and no way to upgrade to paid.

Not the best situation, this means it cancels and no way they can upgrade to a paid account.

Not a good situation as imagine you have to backup you files, setup a new account and restore to that account.

Again not a good situation, Blesta should be better at this.

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I agree, Blesta should be better at this, and as @paul mentioned in another thread they are working on implementing something for it I believe.

I don't offer any free trials, but I would think you could do this using a coupon code set to only work during sign up ("Apply when service is added only" option).  They sign up for your normal account, input the provided "free month" coupon...and there you go.

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2 hours ago, Paul said:

If you use a coupon for the initial order, you can link directly to it to automatically apply the coupon. From https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Order+System:


Thank you @Paul for this, I however am getting some issues. This I believe can work. I am not sure about the URL I have to use, this is the URL I have but does not take the coupon off the month price.


Hope you can tell me what I am doing wrong.

Thank you

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Please disregard Paul did not put the "allow coupons" on the order form.

Works, so will use this for now. Only issue is I have a number of free month accounts which I cannot convert to paid.

Hope a solution is gotten soon.

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Sorry tried it and it does not work as I want, I have 4 packages with different specs but I only want to use for 1 month but if you choose 3, 6 or 12 months it takes the coupon off any of these amounts.

So this is not a fix, you need to have that you can use a coupon for something specific not general.

Really hope this can be done.

Thank you

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