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Whmcs Migrator (Beta) - Updated 2013-11-12

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This is the funny thing about WHMCS, it plain sucks at keeping track of money. An invoice can be marked as paid without any transactions being applied. Credits can be added to a client's account from thin air (no transaction). And to pay multiple invoices with a single payment requires creating new a invoice(????). It's weird, but we want to try to work around the anomalies as best we can so we really appreciate any insight into your invoices and transactions.


Ugh, this is one thing I HATE about WHMCS.  Doing reports at the end of the year for taxes has always been a challenge.  The numbers never add up.  I can't wait to have a more reliable system that knows how to do simple math.


Ugh, this is one thing I HATE about WHMCS.  Doing reports at the end of the year for taxes has always been a challenge.  The numbers never add up.  I can't wait to have a more reliable system that knows how to do simple math.

Your one step away mate :)


I think your idea is a good one. I think WHMCS might store the price for each service on the service record itself. If so we could import every unique pricing used by a service as a package price, that way all service pricings remains accurate.


Normally I'd cringe at the thought of something so kudgy.  Pricing should always be backed up by solid accounting.  But given the circumstances, that we're doing a data liberation here, I think it's a reasonable solution in this case.  This would also immediately resolve all the coupon / discount / bundling issues we talked about previously, as long as the imported price sticks on recurring invoices.


Beta version 4 of the migrator has been added. Get it here.


Changes in this version:

  • Imports custom service/domain pricing as individual package pricings and assigns that pricing to the service
  • Tweaks the way invoice numbers are imported so as to maintain the exact same number as in WHMCS.

Does Blesta show a partial payment applied to the invoice? If so it should be reflected in Blesta.


No.  When the customer views the invoice PDF, it shows no payments at all.  It shows a total due of $179.99.  But when the customer is logged in, it shows amount = $179.99, paid = $19.02, due = $160.97, with a due date of over a year ago.


This is the funny thing about WHMCS, it plain sucks at keeping track of money. An invoice can be marked as paid without any transactions being applied. Credits can be added to a client's account from thin air (no transaction). And to pay multiple invoices with a single payment requires creating new a invoice(????). It's weird, but we want to try to work around the anomalies as best we can so we really appreciate any insight into your invoices and transactions.


By all means.  WHMCS is horrible at accounting, so we've grown accustomed to never trust its numbers.  9 times out of 10, everything is straightforward with us.  But once in a great while, we'll need to apply a courtesy credit or adjust someone's recurring price or do something weird.  In WHMCS you simply give it the new value.  For myself, I'd rather (NOT for imported data) see Blesta reflect the starting price, then any adjustments (ie, "Recurring FRH Courtesy Credit:  -$9.00"), then show the final amount.  Then there's never any question as to why a customer is paying a non-standard price.


I think there's definitely a place for price adjustments, it's just that WHMCS has virtually no accountability.  As you said, it plain sucks at keeping track of money.


I'll start a suggestions thread with some accounting ideas that just jumped into my head.  I don't think Blesta should be the primary source for bookkeeping, but it already has the information, and if we can take that information and make it usable, then that's just one more thing we can use to reconcile against.


Also, just found another issue.  A customer has an "&" in their company name, and it's coming across as "&" in Blesta.  It's that way in the client area, the PDFs, and the admin side.


Beta version 4 of the migrator has been added. Get it here.


Changes in this version:

  • Imports custom service/domain pricing as individual package pricings and assigns that pricing to the service
  • Tweaks the way invoice numbers are imported so as to maintain the exact same number as in WHMCS.

I just tried this version and got the following error message.


"Please enter a last name."


I'm seeing html entities in pretty much everything moved over. Example: One of our invoice lines contained "-->" which was transformed into "-->" on migrating. 


Also, after migrating, the number of accounts on our servers was "0". But by editing and saving each server in the module setup area, it seems to have recounted.


I just tried this version and got the following error message.


"Please enter a last name."


This means one of your clients or admin users is missing an entry to there last name within your WHMCS installation.

It would be better if this error was changed to "Please review your WHMCS installation for any users or administrators missing a last name entry"


Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but it appears that the prices for our hosting (cPanel) and email (Universal) didn't get moved over. Curiously, the price for our domain registrations did get transferred.


As suggested before sign out of Blesta and log back in with one of the admin users which was moved over from WHMCS > Blesta see if that makes a difference.


Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but it appears that the prices for our hosting (cPanel) and email (Universal) didn't get moved over. Curiously, the price for our domain registrations did get transferred.


Look at any given user with those services.  Is the price correct in their profile?


Look at any given user with those services.  Is the price correct in their profile?


No, it doesn't look like it.


For our cPanel accounts, they have a $0 price (Though the transactions are there and correct). Am I looking in the right area? I click "Manage" for the service.

The weird thing is that SOME prices did come over. For example, our hosted email accounts brought the price over as $120/year, which is correct. But our server management (Which uses the same module) came over as $0.


A white page generally means there was an error, check your error_log file or the Apache error log and see what it says.

While I appreciate your response, I already covered this in my post. :)


Ugh, I kind of wish someone else was having the troubles I am.  Any chance you can shoot me a copy of your my.cnf and php.ini?

Are you importing a copy of your full whmcs database, or are you using a smaller test database?

email: my username @lithiumhosting.com


*sticks nose into thread for a second*


Hi there, we shared some tweets today, re "that other company" :)


Back on topic, I'm wondering if breaking the importer down into just doing a table at a time (or a few related ones) might work? I don't know if that's even possible, just a random idea I'm throwing out there. I've had to do that with other applications and very large databases.


Normally I'd cringe at the thought of something so kudgy.  Pricing should always be backed up by solid accounting.


I went a few 'rounds with them on that issue, never got anywhere. Kind of validating to see it wasn't just me.


For those of you not seeing tickets imported. Check the support_tickets table in Blesta to see if it's empty. Most likely the reason you don't see any tickets is because the migrator will import your WHMCS admin users and assign them to necessary departments (it does nothing with the user you are currently logged in as). Log out and log back in with your WHMCS admin user (that was imported).


Also, double check the Support Manager settings for Support Departments and ensure all of the correct staff users belong to the appropriate staff departments.


i believe in one of your posts you said the best way to import would be to import into a clean/new install of Blesta. I'm wondering though, would it be better to first create the admins, packages, support departments, etc in Blesta? Or would that be counter-productive?


i believe in one of your posts you said the best way to import would be to import into a clean/new install of Blesta. I'm wondering though, would it be better to first create the admins, packages, support departments, etc in Blesta? Or would that be counter-productive?


You can make the packages first, as you can match them in the installation. No need to do the rest as they will be imported so you'll have more than one admin / etc.


Here's the rundown of import-related issues we're still facing:

  1. Prices are incorrect in some modules, especially those with configurable options.  A customer with a $100 VPS + $20 panel + $30 management is only being charged $100.
  2. Similar to #1, prices that have been discounted by coupon or overridden manually are incorrect.  Cody remarked that it might be possible to pull this data out of the "recurring price" field in WHMCS.
  3. Customers who have been issued credit at any time in the past in WHMCS are being asked to pay the credit amounts in Blesta.  Cody remarked that this one might be fixed.
  4. Invoices do not show partial payments / credits.  Might be related to #2.
  5. "&" symbol in company name in WHMCS translates to "&" in Blesta.

Five more to go and then all we have left is some auditing and tweaking, and we're in.


Looks like my problem is with the Import Manager plugin itself, both the Blesta and WHMCS importers show blank screens. Is there any way to turn on errors like in WHMCS? Nothing is being written to a log so I have no way of seeing what is wrong.


Looks like my problem is with the Import Manager plugin itself, both the Blesta and WHMCS importers show blank screens. Is there any way to turn on errors like in WHMCS? Nothing is being written to a log so I have no way of seeing what is wrong.


Are you using mod_security?


Looks like my problem is with the Import Manager plugin itself, both the Blesta and WHMCS importers show blank screens. Is there any way to turn on errors like in WHMCS? Nothing is being written to a log so I have no way of seeing what is wrong.


Sounds like a problem with your hosting...


Yeah but that's the issue, none of us have issues so it's not Blesta.

It's definitely application specific since it's not generating any errors in PHP and Apache is returning a 200 code.

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