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Now I am facing some issues with the result( license date ) from the blesa

The product added using "License Module" will show the license key as "Label" under client area and that will cause some confusion in the customers about the license key. Is there any option to change this value ?

Following are the list from "Services" after we click on "manage". 

Package    :Package name 
Label    : AGC123G4B8DEFS8   # this need to be modified to License key or need to get a new column with License key
Status    : Active

Also the data from the server received conatains this array ( part of the array only ). 
 [custom] => Array ( [license_type] => month [cancellation_date] => )

Here only cancellation date is provided. If we set the service/product to renew after one month, there is no cancellation date will be provided, so we cannot display the renew date in the product. Is there any option to pass renew date with the service using the lisence module ? Now we are setting the product with scheduled cancellation at the renew date, so that the product will show the end of the term. 

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