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Best Way To Upgrade Free Month Package




Instead of using a coupon I am using a Free Month package which cancels after the 30 days, I however notice a customer cannot upgrade to a paid plan this way when the 30 days are over, is there a way for the client to upgrade in their account or I have to do it manually.

Thank you in advance.

7 answers to this question

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You can add that free month package to a package group that contains paid packages. If upgrades/downgrades are allowed for the package, they can upgrade to the paid one in the client area. The only problem is that they could also downgrade to the free one.

We have a task to allow package switching for free trials. Order Package A, then after x days, switch the Package automatically to Package B. However, this is not done yet.

The way you have it set up, it may be a manual process. As an admin, you can use the Reassign Pricing plugin to switch to another package outside the package group. You could do this after it's ordered and provisioned, and then it will simply renew at the new package price unless they cancel. Takes a little manual work.

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Thanks Paul,

I have it setup as you say, where the paid packages can downgrade to the Free Month but don't think persons will downgrade to one free month, well not sure. Would be great to have the switching add on, hope coming soon. You suggest creating a new order form for the free month so it is not in the paid packages?

In the client account when I check there is no option to change the package the only thing I see is cancel option and a notice that it will cancel at a certain date, so they cannot upgrade to a paid plan in their account.

Thank you again

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It sounds like the package is using a module row that no longer exists. You should edit your package, and select a new module row. If you're using something like cPanel, the module row is the cPanel/WHM server. Once you update the package, you shouldn't get the error any longer.

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Well did a new package, moved clients who have the free to it and tried the reassign but still getting the error, using cpanel module:

Invalid module row ID from the given pricing ID.

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I have exactly the same error. Tried moving groups, different clients, re-entering server info, having them in the same group, yet the only time it works is when I change the price within the same package.

Edit: Made sure the packages are active.

Edit 2: Tried creating a new cPanel package and made sure it's properly configured in the cPanel module. Same error.


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