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Could someone that experiences this issue send me the Module Log data associated with Logicboxes when this "customer-id" error occurs? You can omit sensitive information in the data and post screenshots here or PM them to me.


Could someone that experiences this issue send me the Module Log data associated with Logicboxes when this "customer-id" error occurs? You can omit sensitive information in the data and post screenshots here or PM them to me.

My steps to create this error are slightly different but here are my logs:

I was trying to attach them but they're too big.  Here's a manual edit:




a:15:{s:4:"name";s:10:"xxxxx";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:16:"xxxxx";s:14:"address-line-1";s:11:"xxxxx";s:14:"address-line-2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:6:"xxxxx";s:5:"state";s:2:"xx";s:7:"zipcode";s:5:"xxxxx";s:7:"country";s:2:"US";s:8:"phone-cc";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";}




{"status":"ERROR","message":"Required parameter missing: customer-id"}








{"status":"ERROR","message":"Method Not Allowed. Use GET"}


My steps to create this error are slightly different but here are my logs:

I was trying to attach them but they're too big.  Here's a manual edit:




a:15:{s:4:"name";s:10:"xxxxx";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:16:"xxxxx";s:14:"address-line-1";s:11:"xxxxx";s:14:"address-line-2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:6:"xxxxx";s:5:"state";s:2:"xx";s:7:"zipcode";s:5:"xxxxx";s:7:"country";s:2:"US";s:8:"phone-cc";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";}


Thanks for the info. Were there any logs that came before this one? Seeing all Input/Output in sequence for the entire transaction when attempting to add a service, whether successful or not, would be ideal.


Thanks for the info. Were there any logs that came before this one? Seeing all Input/Output in sequence for the entire transaction when attempting to add a service, whether successful or not, would be ideal.

Here's my first set of logs (think my last response was from the 2nd log):




a:5:{s:8:"username";s:16:"xxxxxxxx";s:13:"no-of-records";i:10;s:7:"page-no";i:1;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxxxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} (SUCCESS)




{"status":"ERROR","message":"Method Not Allowed. Use GET"}    (ERROR)




a:16:{s:4:"name";s:10:"xxxxxxxx";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:16:"xxxxxxxx";s:14:"address-line-1";s:11:"PO Box xxxxx";s:14:"address-line-2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:6:"xxxxx";s:5:"state";s:2:"xx";s:7:"zipcode";s:5:"xxxxx";s:7:"country";s:2:"US";s:8:"phone-cc";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:8:"username";s:16:"xxxxxxxx";s:6:"passwd";s:15:"xxxxxxxxxxxxx";s:9:"lang-pref";s:2:"en";s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";}    (SUCCESS)




10067263 (SUCCESS)




a:15:{s:4:"name";s:10:"xxxxxxx";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:16:"xxxxxxx";s:14:"address-line-1";s:11:"xxxx";s:14:"address-line-2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:6:"xxxx";s:5:"state";s:2:"xx";s:7:"zipcode";s:5:"xxxxx";s:7:"country";s:2:"US";s:8:"phone-cc";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";}   (SUCCESS)




{"status":"ERROR","message":"Required parameter missing: customer-id"}  (ERROR)  (The logs repeated this message 6 times)


I created this by having an existing customer and going Client -->> Browse -->> Select Customer -->> Add Service -->> Choose Package (Domain Registration) -->> Then selected do not invoice, do not provision using logic boxes module and do not send email to customer and I selected 1 year term.  Also selected Status "Active" and entered the domain name and proper nameservers along with the term.


This domain is already registered, so I was trying to get it added to the customers account (just a test account for now) so it shows up there and it produces the errors after I run the cron job to sync.


I might need to open another thread in a different section for this but I'm also curious about the following:


If I make a mistake or just want to remove a service all together from a clients account, is this only accomplished by cancelling it?  I'd like to just delete it all together if possible.  Also, is there a way to move a product / service from one client to another?


I might need to open another thread in a different section for this but I'm also curious about the following:


If I make a mistake or just want to remove a service all together from a clients account, is this only accomplished by cancelling it?  I'd like to just delete it all together if possible.  Also, is there a way to move a product / service from one client to another?


You can delete if it's pending. But if it's active you will need to void it I believe.


Here's my first set of logs (think my last response was from the 2nd log):




a:5:{s:8:"username";s:16:"xxxxxxxx";s:13:"no-of-records";i:10;s:7:"page-no";i:1;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxxxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} (SUCCESS)




{"status":"ERROR","message":"Method Not Allowed. Use GET"}    (ERROR)




a:16:{s:4:"name";s:10:"xxxxxxxx";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:16:"xxxxxxxx";s:14:"address-line-1";s:11:"PO Box xxxxx";s:14:"address-line-2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:6:"xxxxx";s:5:"state";s:2:"xx";s:7:"zipcode";s:5:"xxxxx";s:7:"country";s:2:"US";s:8:"phone-cc";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:8:"username";s:16:"xxxxxxxx";s:6:"passwd";s:15:"xxxxxxxxxxxxx";s:9:"lang-pref";s:2:"en";s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";}    (SUCCESS)




10067263 (SUCCESS)




a:15:{s:4:"name";s:10:"xxxxxxx";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:16:"xxxxxxx";s:14:"address-line-1";s:11:"xxxx";s:14:"address-line-2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:6:"xxxx";s:5:"state";s:2:"xx";s:7:"zipcode";s:5:"xxxxx";s:7:"country";s:2:"US";s:8:"phone-cc";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";}   (SUCCESS)




{"status":"ERROR","message":"Required parameter missing: customer-id"}  (ERROR)  (The logs repeated this message 6 times)


It sounds like there may be 2 or 3 things going on here. The first error that says to use GET finally clicked with me. We had a similar issue in v2 a couple years ago because the live and test APIs behave differently. This is why some of you experienced a problem, while we couldn't duplicate it in our test environment. I believe the solution to this problem is the following:


Update /components/modules/logicboxes/apis/commands/logicboxes_customers.php (line 177)

return $this->api->submit("customers/search", $vars);

change to:

return $this->api->submit("customers/search", $vars, "GET");

Then try creating another service and let me know what happens.



I created this by having an existing customer and going Client -->> Browse -->> Select Customer -->> Add Service -->> Choose Package (Domain Registration) -->> Then selected do not invoice, do not provision using logic boxes module and do not send email to customer and I selected 1 year term.  Also selected Status "Active" and entered the domain name and proper nameservers along with the term.


This domain is already registered, so I was trying to get it added to the customers account (just a test account for now) so it shows up there and it produces the errors after I run the cron job to sync.


You unchecked the "Use Module" checkbox when you added the service? And it still attempted to add it using the module? That doesn't sound right.

It sounds like there may be 2 or 3 things going on here. The first error that says to use GET finally clicked with me. We had a similar issue in v2 a couple years ago because the live and test APIs behave differently. This is why some of you experienced a problem, while we couldn't duplicate it in our test environment. I believe the solution to this problem is the following:


Update /components/modules/logicboxes/apis/commands/logicboxes_customers.php (line 177)

return $this->api->submit("customers/search", $vars);

change to:

return $this->api->submit("customers/search", $vars, "GET");

Then try creating another service and let me know what happens.


 I'll give this a try over the weekend and I imagine cubicwebs will too


You unchecked the "Use Module" checkbox when you added the service? And it still attempted to add it using the module? That doesn't sound right.

When I initially added the product to the clients account, yes and the domain showed up in the account, minus the details (registrant info, nameservers, etc). It's been over a month since I did this so I'd have to go through the process again but I'm pretty sure the errors appeared in the log after I ran the cron job to update those missing details.


It sounds like there may be 2 or 3 things going on here. The first error that says to use GET finally clicked with me. We had a similar issue in v2 a couple years ago because the live and test APIs behave differently. This is why some of you experienced a problem, while we couldn't duplicate it in our test environment. I believe the solution to this problem is the following:


Update /components/modules/logicboxes/apis/commands/logicboxes_customers.php (line 177)

return $this->api->submit("customers/search", $vars);

change to:

return $this->api->submit("customers/search", $vars, "GET");

Then try creating another service and let me know what happens.




You unchecked the "Use Module" checkbox when you added the service? And it still attempted to add it using the module? That doesn't sound right.

OK. I left the service already entered for the client, updated the file you mentioned and ran the cron job again.  It wouldn't sync any of the whois or nameserver info and there isn't anything new in the error log.


After that, I added the service again which works fine but after running the cron job, I've still got no updated whois and nameserver information and no error log generated.


Does the fix I provided above resolve these issues?



a:5:{s:8:"username";s:16:"xxxxxxxx";s:13:"no-of-records";i:10;s:7:"page-no";i:1;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxxxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} (SUCCESS)



{"status":"ERROR","message":"Method Not Allowed. Use GET"}    (ERROR)



a:15:{s:4:"name";s:10:"xxxxxxx";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:16:"xxxxxxx";s:14:"address-line-1";s:11:"xxxx";s:14:"address-line-2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:6:"xxxx";s:5:"state";s:2:"xx";s:7:"zipcode";s:5:"xxxxx";s:7:"country";s:2:"US";s:8:"phone-cc";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"xxxxxx";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";}   (SUCCESS)



{"status":"ERROR","message":"Required parameter missing: customer-id"}  (ERROR)  (The logs repeated this message 6 times)


I'd like some input from those that this issue affects before I mark this resolved.



OK. I left the service already entered for the client, updated the file you mentioned and ran the cron job again.  It wouldn't sync any of the whois or nameserver info and there isn't anything new in the error log.


After that, I added the service again which works fine but after running the cron job, I've still got no updated whois and nameserver information and no error log generated.


Blesta requests the whois/nameserver information, but it may not be immediately available from the server. If you give it some time to setup, does it appear later?


Does the fix I provided above resolve these issues?



I'd like some input from those that this issue affects before I mark this resolved.




Blesta requests the whois/nameserver information, but it may not be immediately available from the server. If you give it some time to setup, does it appear later?


Is there a way mate to get the domains showing again under services? At the moment none of my clients nor me can see the domains on their services. Just says Active (2) 


Reseller Two - Domain - Etc 


But no .com - domain etc


Is there a way mate to get the domains showing again under services? At the moment none of my clients nor me can see the domains on their services. Just says Active (2) 


Reseller Two - Domain - Etc 


But no .com - domain etc


I'm not aware of a problem with service listings. Can you create a new thread about that issue? I'd like to keep this topic focused on the "customer-id" issue.


Does the fix I provided above resolve these issues?



I'd like some input from those that this issue affects before I mark this resolved.




Blesta requests the whois/nameserver information, but it may not be immediately available from the server. If you give it some time to setup, does it appear later?


Nothing has changed in my system.  I can and always have been able to add the service (domain name) but nothing ever syncs to update domain expiration dates, whois info and nameservers..  I can give you access to my install if you want or keep trying to provide you with more detail.  I haven't switched over yet so this is just tesing the various functions so I can get use to Blesta, there's no sensitive customer data on my install.

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