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Cpanel Module - Not Updating Packages


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I am using reseller user, as the plans are registered from my reseller account...


You may be affected by the same issue, we'll have to look into this. Do you see any packages at all, or none?

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My WHM doen´t have this option to make the reseller add via the API, instead, my reseller can add or remove packages normally... I have a clue...


I have added the packages with names like, "test_1", my older´s are "test" only or "abc", maybe its this? i have added a new package to test, like "test1" but dit not showed on package edition on Blesta neither...

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cPanel generally does not like the word "test", and refuses to accept it in some cases (e.g. domains), but I'm not sure if it would affect this.


The permissions I was referring to would need to be granted to your reseller user by the root user (your provider). It sounds as if maybe they granted you permissions to some packages, but then you added more, and permissions haven't been added for those new ones yet.


Just because you can add/remove packages in your WHM account does not necessarily mean it is available via the API. The API makes a call to "listpkgs", which retrieves a list of all packages available to your user, where "availability" is determined by some permissions.

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Yes, the "test" is just to say, actually my reseller account is agenciac and my packets are like agenciac_advanced and my specials are agenciac_advanced_special but those new ones doesn´t list on blesta v3, the old ones used to work on blesta v2...


The tests are just to exemplify the problem... And sorry for my bad english... lol


I got a VPS with full root, i don´t know how to changethe permission to some packages can you explain? i login with root and do what on WHM? i wanna try it, not just for me, but to find the bug and solve it, to all...

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