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Recently have been experiencing an issue with our Converge module.


We've migrated a couple of users to Blesta and the merchant module worked well, charging their credit cards and we were able to see it in the Converge Batch reports. But now it seems like we've hit some sort of plateau, any customer we add with CC ends up with their credit card declined. Been able to consistently replicate the issue. We upgraded the Converge module to 1.1.0 but issue still seems to persist.


I've been trying to review the logs from the logs but the only output that we seem to get back is "ccsale N;"

If i manually process the same CC information through the converge website/interface i do not get any errors at all. I've tried writing writing to Converge but they informed me that if there are no error batch reports then our Blesta isn't sending them anything. Are there any other logs that i could find to help troubleshoot the issue?


I verified the terminal ID and pin are the same as on Converge and the module is in Live mode.


Thank you

2 answers to this question

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27 minutes ago, Iulian said:

I've been trying to review the logs from the logs but the only output that we seem to get back is "ccsale N;"

Are you getting this under Tools > Logs > Gateway tab? You can click a row to see the raw input/output. It sounds like they may have returned null, or no response. Is port 443 egress open at your firewall? Does CURL support TLS 1.2?

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25 minutes ago, Paul said:

Are you getting this under Tools > Logs > Gateway tab? You can click a row to see the raw input/output. It sounds like they may have returned null, or no response. Is port 443 egress open at your firewall? Does CURL support TLS 1.2?

The output just says "ccsale N;"


I decided to sit down with our programmer and sift through the API for converge and i believe i found the issue.


I cross referenced some older error reports and found that transactions through Blesta had an AVS code attached to them in Converge. But as of about three days ago Converge stopped displaying these logs at all but was enough for me to figure out the pattern.

So there does look like an issue with Converge receiving the transactions from Blesta as they do not show up in the error batch report.


So the exact issue is that we do not require the AVS verification to process our payments. We commented out the AVS fields and reprocessed a declined invoice and payment went through. The weird part is that it used to work fine until we hit a higher volume of customers.


So the only other outstanding issue is that Converge doesn't seem to create error reports if transactions go through Blesta, but i'll relay that to my ticket with Converge.


Thanks for your time Paul

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