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Hi :( 

I'm developing a plugin, but when I try to make a controller on the admin side, I only get a blank page, I tried almost everything and I can fix it. I'm using Blesta v4.0 beta 5

My code is: 

class AdminPages extends AppController
    private function init()
        // Require Login

        // Load Language
        Language::loadLang('plugin_dir', null, PLUGINDIR.'plugin_dir'.DS.'language'.DS);

    public function index()

Thanks. :(


I don't know what "$this->parent" is. You can use "$this->requireLogin()" You should be extending your plugin's parent controller that extends AppController and implements the preAction method. The dispatcher throws an exception when attempting to load controllers that do not implement the preAction.

On 3/22/2017 at 2:29 PM, Blesta Addons said:

what is the content of the pdt file .


use this code and see what you will have

    public function index()

        die("admin page");



The content of the pdt file (admin_pages.pdt) is:

<div class="title_row first">
    <h3>Hello World</h3>


On 3/22/2017 at 5:33 PM, Tyson said:

I don't know what "$this->parent" is. You can use "$this->requireLogin()" You should be extending your plugin's parent controller that extends AppController and implements the preAction method. The dispatcher throws an exception when attempting to load controllers that do not implement the preAction.

I updated the code to:

class AdminPages extends BlestaCmsController
    public function preAction()
        // Parent pre-action

        // Require login

        // Load language
        Language::loadLang('blesta_cms', null, PLUGINDIR.'blesta_cms'.DS.'language'.DS);

        $this->company_id = Configure::get('Blesta.company_id');
        $this->structure->set('page_title', Language::_('blesta_cms.page_title', true));
        $this->view->setView(null, 'BlestaCms.default');

    public function index()
        //die("admin page");

and now shows the pdt, but without the structure. 



19 hours ago, Blesta Addons said:

use the debugger plugin, it will help you identifying the error line .


I have enabled the debugger plugin with Tracy but not shows anything :(


you will not recieve any error , the probleme is only you are not set the correct view dir .  what you should do is the fallowing :

1 - create a file called blesta_cms_controller.php in the main root plugin directory with the fallowing content


 * Blesta Cms Plugin 
class BlestaCmsController extends AppController 
	 * Setup
	public function preAction() 
		$this->company_id = Configure::get("Blesta.company_id");
		// Override default view directory
		$this->view->view = "default";
		$this->orig_structure_view = $this->structure->view;
		$this->structure->view = "default";

in your admin_page.php change the code to fallowing :


class AdminPages extends BlestaCmsController
    public function preAction()
        // Parent pre-action

        // Require login

        // Load language
        Language::loadLang('blesta_cms', null, PLUGINDIR.'blesta_cms'.DS.'language'.DS);

        // Restore structure view location of the admin portal
        $this->structure->setView(null, $this->orig_structure_view);

    public function index()
        //die("admin page");


7 hours ago, Blesta Addons said:

you will not recieve any error , the probleme is only you are not set the correct view dir .  what you should do is the fallowing :

1 - create a file called blesta_cms_controller.php in the main root plugin directory with the fallowing content


 * Blesta Cms Plugin 
class BlestaCmsController extends AppController 
	 * Setup
	public function preAction() 
		$this->company_id = Configure::get("Blesta.company_id");
		// Override default view directory
		$this->view->view = "default";
		$this->orig_structure_view = $this->structure->view;
		$this->structure->view = "default";

in your admin_page.php change the code to fallowing :


class AdminPages extends BlestaCmsController
    public function preAction()
        // Parent pre-action

        // Require login

        // Load language
        Language::loadLang('blesta_cms', null, PLUGINDIR.'blesta_cms'.DS.'language'.DS);

        // Restore structure view location of the admin portal
        $this->structure->setView(null, $this->orig_structure_view);

    public function index()
        //die("admin page");


Thanks :D Works fine.

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