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Service suspended a day before invoice due



One of my clients who is using PayPal payments was automatically suspended a day before his invoice was due, even though the system is set to only suspend services 2 days after the invoice is due. Any idea why this has happened?

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I have checked the logs and it appears an invoice was created on the 25th of Feb instead of the 28th which is when the payment is due. How do I fix this bug in the date? Our server experienced a crash recently so it is possible something got messed up in that.

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Further investigation indicates this:

1) All previous invoices were created on the same date: 23rd of the month.

2) All previous invoices stated the due date was on the 28th of the month

3) This last one magically shifted to the 25th of the month for the due date.

4) The setting in the control panel says "Invoice Days Before Renewal" = 5 days

Therefore for some reason the system is suddenly for some reason making the due date 2 days after the invoice for some reason. Any advice?

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Have confirmed this is server wide - all invoices are now being given only 2 days before suspension after the invoice instead of 5. How do I fix this setting?

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17 hours ago, SSy said:

3) This last one magically shifted to the 25th of the month for the due date

Not sure how that could happen. Either it was manually changed, or your database crash affected this somehow? Odd. That would explain the suspension though, if that was the one.

Invoice due dates are a company and client group setting. Check your client group to make sure that it's not overwriting the option with 2 days.

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Well I've updated it in the company settings and ensured that the client group uses the company settings. It still has not fixed. As I am paying for the software and cannot locate the issue, please advise.

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6 hours ago, SSy said:

Well I've updated it in the company settings and ensured that the client group uses the company settings. It still has not fixed. As I am paying for the software and cannot locate the issue, please advise.

If services are suspended a day before the invoice is due, when are they suppose to be suspended? On the same day they are due? That's the earliest setting I believe. If so, it may be a UTC date conversion issue, where your cron happens to run at a time where it is seen as the same day.

We've made some changes to the way dates are handled in v4, to correct similar issues. I'd suggest testing on v4 to see if it's an issue there. If you're suspending on the "same day" the invoice is due, I suggest moving that value out by 1 day, which should accomplish what you're after for the moment.

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This is what my settings page now looks like.

Based on this, my understanding is as follows:

1) If a service started on January 4th, it will renew on February 4th and March 4th assuming it is monthly billing.

2) They will be sent an invoice on the 2nd of March, and that invoice in the blesta panel will say it is due on the 4th but invoiced on the 2nd.

3) If they fail to pay by the 11th, their service will be suspended.



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17 hours ago, SSy said:

1) If a service started on January 4th, it will renew on February 4th and March 4th assuming it is monthly billing.

Generally yes, but this is not always the case becauseĀ +1 month isn't always the same day the next month. Consider a service that was added on Jan 31, there is no Feb 31.

17 hours ago, SSy said:

2) They will be sent an invoice on the 2nd of March, and that invoice in the blesta panel will say it is due on the 4th but invoiced on the 2nd.

The renew date is moved forward when a service is invoiced.. so, the invoice in your case will always be generated 2 days before the next renew date, and due on the renew date, and then the renew date will be pushed forward +1 month, or whatever the term and period designate.

17 hours ago, SSy said:

3) If they fail to pay by the 11th, their service will be suspended.

Yes, 7 days after the invoice is due per your setting.

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