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[URGENT] The invoice was sent every 5 minutes but invoice paid paypal

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I got complaint from my clients about email delivery invoice due copy that always be sent in 5 minutes. But, status for an invoice has been paid.

IPaypal payment standard.
Version 4.0.0-b4 blesta

I have no idea why there are 2 invoice is made, normal invoice and prorated addition. What is this because of misconfiguration or bugs in this version

Please help to resolve this issue.


I'm unaware of any bugs related to that. Questions for you:

  1. Are the invoices emailed every 5 minutes, perpetually?
  2. Are the invoices "queued for delivery"? Edit the invoice, and see if "Email" is checked.
  3. A second prorated invoice should only be created if you changed the renew date and left the "prorate" box checked.

Also, verify that you have only 1 cron job set up. If you have more than 1, it can create a race condition and cause invoices to be generated or sent in duplicate.

11 hours ago, Paul said:

I'm unaware of any bugs related to that. Questions for you:

  1. Are the invoices emailed every 5 minutes, perpetually?
  2. Are the invoices "queued for delivery"? Edit the invoice, and see if "Email" is checked.
  3. A second prorated invoice should only be created if you changed the renew date and left the "prorate" box checked.

Also, verify that you have only 1 cron job set up. If you have more than 1, it can create a race condition and cause invoices to be generated or sent in duplicate.

1. Deliver Invoices run 5 minutes(Default By Blesta)

2/3. I am not familiar with this intention, I did not edit the invoice or changing renew date, only default from product term and paypal payment.

Yes, only 1 cron.

Steps stopping delivery invoice every 5 minute, i can do only when:
Reopen invoice prorated addtion and add any amount, record manual the payment.

Note: Prorated Addtion auto created without amount ($0), and product not use prorata.



11 hours ago, Jawanet said:

1. Deliver Invoices run 5 minutes(Default By Blesta)

2/3. I am not familiar with this intention, I did not edit the invoice or changing renew date, only default from product term and paypal payment.

Yes, only 1 cron.

Steps stopping delivery invoice every 5 minute, i can do only when:
Reopen invoice prorated addtion and add any amount, record manual the payment.

Note: Prorated Addtion auto created without amount ($0), and product not use prorata.



I'm a little confused, it sounds almost like you're experiencing multiple different issues.

1. Are you saying that invoices are sent every 5 minutes? As in, every 5 minutes, the customer gets a copy of the same exact invoice over and over indefinitely? This is why I asked if the "Email" option is checked when editing an invoice. If it's sending a copy of the same invoice every 5 minutes continually, it's important to know if it's doing so because the invoice is set to be delivered still or not. I have a feeling the invoice is not actually sent every 5 minutes though.

2. I see 2 invoices for the same date and same amount. If this is the issue, how do you reproduce it? For example, what are the steps that I need to take for this to happen to me?

3. If a customer orders configurable options, it will be prorated automatically to the renewal date of the service.

10 hours ago, Paul said:

I'm a little confused, it sounds almost like you're experiencing multiple different issues.

1. Are you saying that invoices are sent every 5 minutes? As in, every 5 minutes, the customer gets a copy of the same exact invoice over and over indefinitely? This is why I asked if the "Email" option is checked when editing an invoice. If it's sending a copy of the same invoice every 5 minutes continually, it's important to know if it's doing so because the invoice is set to be delivered still or not. I have a feeling the invoice is not actually sent every 5 minutes though.

2. I see 2 invoices for the same date and same amount. If this is the issue, how do you reproduce it? For example, what are the steps that I need to take for this to happen to me?

3. If a customer orders configurable options, it will be prorated automatically to the renewal date of the service.

Sir @Paul Issue only why always sending Invoice Due Copy every 5 minute while the product is already paid, and I see this problem exists because the invoice prorated addtion, I am confused is made of what. Also i not use any configurable option or addons, only default cpanel/whm module.

FireShot Capture 123 - Update Package I Wpfas_ - https___member.wpfastest.com_admin_packages_edit_3_.png

6 hours ago, Blesta Addons said:

for the first case, what i can imagine, is that when sending invoice, is not marked as sent .

my question to OP, do you have any custom plugin installed in your blesta ?


I dont use any 3dparty plugin @Blesta Addons


the other questions that i need to post is :

way the invoice is not marked as paid (closed) ?

when you sent the invoice manually it change the the status from "unsent" to "sent" ?

normally is should be marked paid after a manual or a PayPal transaction . and should be marked as send when you sent it manually or via cronjob.

a stupid approuch you can do is try to repair/optimize the database via cpanel or via command . and try again  .

17 minutes ago, Blesta Addons said:

the other questions that i need to post is :

way the invoice is not marked as paid (closed) ?

when you sent the invoice manually it change the the status from "unsent" to "sent" ?

normally is should be marked paid after a manual or a PayPal transaction . and should be marked as send when you sent it manually or via cronjob.

a stupid approuch you can do is try to repair/optimize the database via cpanel or via command . and try again  .

Sorry, I forgot.

  • 2 Invoice marked as paid & (closed).
  • Status invoice Unsent

All invoice from paypal marked as paid.


Okay, i try to optimize the database.

13 minutes ago, Blesta Addons said:

the only issue then is the invoice is not marked as sent . even if you sent it manually ?


Wait a minute, I try again with a new order.

33 minutes ago, Blesta Addons said:

the only issue then is the invoice is not marked as sent . even if you sent it manually ?


Sir @Blesta Addons I try again to pay via paypal and the result is the same, marked as paid(Closed) & status Unsent, but email Payment Received successfully sent and received. If manually sent, status ok marked as sent.

If I repair the DB, what will not change anything, ie back to the default setting?


It's possible the invoice won't be marked as sent if Blesta thinks the email failed to send. How are you set to send email, PHP Mail, or SMTP? I suggest trying the other method to see if it continues.

You may also enable error reporting, and run the cron manually (after stopping it temporarily from running automatically) under Settings > System > Automation, and see if there are any errors output for invoice delivery.


so your issue now is the cronjob work, it send the invoice, but for some strange reason is not marking invoice as sent.

what i can suggest is, if you use blesta v4 you should install blesta debugger) then .enable error reporting, then stop the cron from running, make a order , after 10 min try running the cron manually to see if the debugger can catch any error .




I tested this on our v4 beta 4 install and can't reproduce. Invoices are generated, and emailed out and marked as emailed, not to be sent again. Trying a different mail delivery method as I suggested may be worth a try.

12 minutes ago, Paul said:

I tested this on our v4 beta 4 install and can't reproduce. Invoices are generated, and emailed out and marked as emailed, not to be sent again. Trying a different mail delivery method as I suggested may be worth a try.

also work for me in b4 with php5.6.


On 14/1/2017 at 1:00 AM, Paul said:

I tested this on our v4 beta 4 install and can't reproduce. Invoices are generated, and emailed out and marked as emailed, not to be sent again. Trying a different mail delivery method as I suggested may be worth a try.

Okay, previously use the default php-mail, I try with smtp.


I'm try smtp or phpmail status invoice still Unsent

I do not know what else to do, all the PHP module already installed. And now I try to move to cpanel however remains the same.


Unable to deliver 1 invoice to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
Unable to deliver 4 invoices to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
Unable to deliver 3 invoices to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI

Log cron:

Attempting to run all tasks for Wpfastest.
Attempting to apply credits to open invoices.
There are no invoices to which credits may be applied.
The apply credits task has completed.
Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery.
Unable to deliver 1 invoice to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
Unable to deliver 4 invoices to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
Unable to deliver 3 invoices to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
The deliver invoices task has completed.
Attempting to provision paid pending services.
The paid pending services task has completed.
Attempting to unsuspend paid suspended services.
The unsuspend services task has completed.
Attempting to process service changes.
The process service changes task has completed.
Attempting to process renewing services.
The process renewing services task has completed.
Attempting plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.
Finished plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.
Attempting plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets.
Finished plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets.
Attempting plugin cron for mass_mailer export.
Finished plugin cron for mass_mailer export.
Attempting plugin cron for mass_mailer mass_mail.
Finished plugin cron for mass_mailer mass_mail.
All tasks have been completed.
Attempting to run all system tasks.
All system tasks have been completed. 


1 hour ago, Jawanet said:

I'm try smtp or phpmail status invoice still Unsent

I do not know what else to do, all the PHP module already installed. And now I try to move to cpanel however remains the same.

Log cron:

Attempting to run all tasks for Wpfastest.
Attempting to apply credits to open invoices.
There are no invoices to which credits may be applied.
The apply credits task has completed.
Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery.
Unable to deliver 1 invoice to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
Unable to deliver 4 invoices to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
Unable to deliver 3 invoices to client #xxxx via Email due to error: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI
The deliver invoices task has completed.
Attempting to provision paid pending services.
The paid pending services task has completed.
Attempting to unsuspend paid suspended services.
The unsuspend services task has completed.
Attempting to process service changes.
The process service changes task has completed.
Attempting to process renewing services.
The process renewing services task has completed.
Attempting plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.
Finished plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.
Attempting plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets.
Finished plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets.
Attempting plugin cron for mass_mailer export.
Finished plugin cron for mass_mailer export.
Attempting plugin cron for mass_mailer mass_mail.
Finished plugin cron for mass_mailer mass_mail.
All tasks have been completed.
Attempting to run all system tasks.
All system tasks have been completed. 


REQUEST_URI  being undefined is troubling, I'm not sure what would cause that. What I would suggest as a test, is try running your cron via wget, GET, or lynx instead. See the example at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-4.SetupaCronJob "Running the cron via the web". Curious if that resolves it. Might then be an issue with your CLI.


CLI failure is usually caused by? like php extension etc?
I try install with CLI success.

If I use cron browser, Process Service Changes not working. as I manual accept order and cpanel module has been made, but the status of service remains pending.


Most likely an environment issue on your server. Try this

Log in your server and create a file called "cli.php" with this content with you favorite editor

print("SAPI: ". php_sapi_name() . "\n");

Then run the command

$ php cli.php

Post the result here.

53 minutes ago, Kurogane said:

Most likely an environment issue on your server. Try this

Log in your server and create a file called "cli.php" with this content with you favorite editor

print("SAPI: ". php_sapi_name() . "\n");

Then run the command

$ php cli.php

Post the result here.


wpfastes@s3 [~]# php cli-sapi.php
SAPI: cli
wpfastes@s3 [~]


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