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Coupons Do NOT Get Applied to Services that are RE-curring



Coupons Do NOT Get Applied to Services that are RE-curring when using PayPal Standard Payments .


Once a $5 coupon code is applied to a $50 service, the price drops to $45 on the checkout interface and also in the email invoices.


The only way to get the $5 discount during the "payment process" is to click the "single payment" button, NOT the " RE-Curring payment " button.

When the " RE-Curring payment " button is clicked, the customer has to pay the full amount.


This means we are limited to only using coupons for "Single Payment" services


FYI - This is the exact same issue as with any "Outstanding PRO-rated" amount and "Set-Up Fees" when dealing with RE-Curring services.



2nd FYI - We are using PayPal Payments Standard

Will this issue occur if we use Authorize.net ?


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