compositor Posted December 17, 2016 Report Posted December 17, 2016 I thought this may be the most appropriate place to post, i.e. not related to an extension. I've been reading here: added the code, but of course I have no understanding of what to do next. From what I can gather, this person has created files linked from the main page, e.g. examplehost/billing so that an index page can be defined for examplehost If anyone can give me information on how to do this it would be endlessly appreciated as it is one of the reasons I am thinking of investing in the platform. Quote
Michael Posted December 17, 2016 Report Posted December 17, 2016 I take it if you modify the core plugin you need to add more of these below the first section and change the content. case 'services': $this->structure->set("page_title", "*** INSERT PAGE TITLE ***"); $this->structure->set("title", "*** INSERT TITLE SHOWN ON PORTAL TEMPLATE ***"); // Placeholders won't work with this method, so let's use variables $url = rtrim($this->base_url, "/"); $blesta_url = $this->Html->safe($url . WEBDIR); $html = <<<EOT <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{$blesta_url}services> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>Foo</h4> <p>Bar.</p> </div> </a> </div> EOT; $this->set("content", $html); break; But remember that it will be overwritten with a new version or a patch if the portal plugin has been updated. Quote
compositor Posted December 17, 2016 Author Report Posted December 17, 2016 This is the code I have for the main.pdt file: <?php /** * CMS main controller * * @package blesta * @subpackage blesta.plugins.cms.controllers * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Phillips Data, Inc. * @license The Blesta License Agreement * @link Blesta */ class Main extends CmsController { /** * Pre-action */ public function preAction() { parent::preAction(); $this->uses(array("PluginManager", "Cms.CmsPages")); // Redirect if this plugin is not installed for this company if (!$this->PluginManager->isInstalled("cms", $this->company_id)) $this->redirect($this->client_uri); // Use the same structure as that of the client portal for the company given $this->structure->setDefaultView(APPDIR); $this->structure->setView(null, "client" . DS . $this->layout); $this->structure->set("custom_head", "<link href=\"" . Router::makeURI(str_replace("index.php/", "", WEBDIR) . $this->view->view_path) . "views/" . $this->view->view . "/css/styles.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" ); $this->base_uri = WEBDIR; $this->view->base_uri = $this->base_uri; $this->structure->base_uri = $this->base_uri; // Set the client info if ($this->Session->read("blesta_client_id")) { $this->client = $this->Clients->get($this->Session->read("blesta_client_id")); $this->view->set("client", $this->client); $this->structure->set("client", $this->client); } } /** * Portal/CMS index */ public function index() { $uri = "/"; if (isset($this->get[0])) $uri = $this->get[0]; $this->uses(array("Cms.CmsPages", "PluginManager")); // Load the template parser Loader::load(VENDORDIR . "h2o" . DS . "h2o.php"); $parser_options_html = Configure::get("Blesta.parser_options"); // Don't escape html $parser_options_html['autoescape'] = false; // Check if the page exists if (($page = $this->CmsPages->get($uri, $this->company_id))) { // Get installed plugins $plugins = $this->PluginManager->getAll($this->company_id); $installed_plugins = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) $installed_plugins[$plugin->dir] = $plugin; // Set page content $url = rtrim($this->base_url, "/"); $tags = array( 'base_url' => $this->Html->safe($url), 'blesta_url' => $this->Html->safe($url . WEBDIR), 'client_url' => $this->Html->safe($url . $this->client_uri), 'admin_url' => $this->Html->safe($url . $this->admin_uri), 'plugins' => $installed_plugins ); $page->content = H2o::parseString($page->content, $parser_options_html)->render($tags); $this->set("content", $page->content); $this->structure->set("page_title", $page->title); $this->structure->set("title", $page->title); } else { switch($uri) { case 'services': $this->structure->set("page_title", "*** INSERT PAGE TITLE ***"); $this->structure->set("title", "*** INSERT TITLE SHOWN ON PORTAL TEMPLATE ***"); // Placeholders won't work with this method, so let's use variables $url = rtrim($this->base_url, "/"); $blesta_url = $this->Html->safe($url . WEBDIR); $html = <<<EOT <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{$blesta_url}services> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>Foo</h4> <p>Bar.</p> </div> </a> </div> EOT; $metatags = <<<EOT <meta property="og:title" content="Examplehost"/> <meta property="og:description" content="Web Design and Development Services"/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> EOT; $this->structure->set("metatags" , $metatags);$this->set("content", $html); break; default: $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } } } } ?> and this for structure.pdt <!DOCTYPE html> <html dir="<?php echo (in_array($this->_("AppController.lang.dir", true), array("ltr", "rtl")) ? $this->_("AppController.lang.dir", true) : "ltr");?>"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $this->Html->safe(($this->Html->ifSet($page_title) ? $page_title . 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I am fine with having Powered By in the footer so is that all I'd need to have for a branded service? At some point I would like to have a fully blank slate so I can copy HTML generated from my CMS into these templates, which I am guessing is the best way to go to begin with rather than introduce server code from another CMS. Quote
Michael Posted December 18, 2016 Report Posted December 18, 2016 Well from what I can tell by that edit thread is you just go to but I haven't used it so I have no experience with it I'm just guessing by what the guy posted. Quote
compositor Posted December 18, 2016 Author Report Posted December 18, 2016 Got it mate, legend:) I will look at some of the parameters and see if I can make another page. End game for me is to be able to create a page in the root, i.e. when i have as my Blesta installation location. Thanks again Quote
Blesta Addons Posted December 18, 2016 Report Posted December 18, 2016 you can use Admin Tools plugin to add pages to your cms portal with a simple click . Quote
compositor Posted December 18, 2016 Author Report Posted December 18, 2016 30 minutes ago, Blesta Addons said: you can use Admin Tools plugin to add pages to your cms portal with a simple click . Hi and thank you for responding. Can those pages exist outside of the Blesta Directory and would they include all but the branding in the footer or is there some other branding (required or not) I'm not aware of? I look forward to your replying. Quote
Blesta Addons Posted December 18, 2016 Report Posted December 18, 2016 you will add page to CMS core of blesta . pages outside blesta should be created manually or with other cms . Quote
compositor Posted December 18, 2016 Author Report Posted December 18, 2016 9 minutes ago, Blesta Addons said: you will add page to CMS core of blesta . pages outside blesta should be created manually or with other cms . Would that be true of the method described in the original post made by Rodrigo? Quote
Blesta Addons Posted December 18, 2016 Report Posted December 18, 2016 11 minutes ago, compositor said: Would that be true of the method described in the original post made by Rodrigo? No, the method is for page inside blesta . Quote
Michael Posted December 18, 2016 Report Posted December 18, 2016 1 hour ago, compositor said: Would that be true of the method described in the original post made by Rodrigo? Rodrigo, Admin Tools and BlestaCMS are all Blesta addons / edits. Nothing related to being outside of Blesta mate. Blesta Addons 1 Quote
compositor Posted December 18, 2016 Author Report Posted December 18, 2016 So I gather there is technically no way to do what I'm asking then? Quote
Michael Posted December 19, 2016 Report Posted December 19, 2016 13 hours ago, compositor said: So I gather there is technically no way to do what I'm asking then? I'm not sure what you are trying to do? Are you trying to do a Adobe dreamweaver where you make the pages and it's just static in the end? then you want Hugo or dreamweaver. The ones above are using Blesta for your website aka that is Blesta. Every page on my site is blesta. Quote
compositor Posted December 19, 2016 Author Report Posted December 19, 2016 From what I can gather, so-called static pages can only be generated in the same directory as where Blesta is installed, whereas I am wanting to have them separate so I can use Blesta as a CMS as well as a billing system but billing only occur in /billing and not the / directory Quote
Michael Posted December 19, 2016 Report Posted December 19, 2016 11 minutes ago, compositor said: From what I can gather, so-called static pages can only be generated in the same directory as where Blesta is installed, whereas I am wanting to have them separate so I can use Blesta as a CMS as well as a billing system but billing only occur in /billing and not the / directory You can change the client route to billing if that helps. But none that I know generate static files. Give it a spin? /config/routes.php and change client to billing. Blesta Addons 1 Quote
compositor Posted December 19, 2016 Author Report Posted December 19, 2016 Hi Michael, I looked at the kb for that: but it won't get me one level up from the installation directory. If only there was a way, I'd be signing up today. Quote
Michael Posted December 19, 2016 Report Posted December 19, 2016 19 minutes ago, compositor said: Hi Michael, I looked at the kb for that: but it won't get me one level up from the installation directory. If only there was a way, I'd be signing up today. You can move the files up one, Paul stated you can but it will require a re-issue. If you sign up that would be all you need :). And as for the routes. You just change this file: /config/routes.php and change: /** * Client panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.client", "client"); to /** * Client panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.client", "billing"); Quote
compositor Posted December 19, 2016 Author Report Posted December 19, 2016 Hi Michael, I just did that and now I get: examplehost/billing/billing/login so I gather that if I have the installation location as / I will then have my clients logging in via /billing/login while everyone would be accessing the "site" via / I did it for admin as well: Configure::set("Route.admin", "billing"); That sounds better, I was merely using the recommended settings but would physically moving the installation files to the root require a license re-issue? I think you'd said in another post: this would be fine but with Pauls' graciousness I'd say he would allow me to restart my trial. Cheers Quote
Michael Posted December 19, 2016 Report Posted December 19, 2016 Nah nah don't use billing for your admin man use something like Area51, hidden, private, 123admin anything but not something which will confuse you. Quote
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