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When installing via command line (still to check web install) I get:

1/1 [========================================] 100%

Attempting to write config... Success.
Generating encryption keys. This may take a minute or two... Done.
Installing default plugins... Done.

Finished. To complete setup visit /admin/login/ in your browser,

or if you do not have mod_rewrite, /index.php/admin/login/.
Blesta CLI Installer
Please acknowledge your agreement to the terms and conditions as explained at


Do you agree? (Y/N): y
Performing system requirements check...
The following minimum requirements failed:
        config_writable: The config file (/home/removed/public_html/config/blesta-new.php) and directory (/home/removed/public_html/config/) must be writable by the webserver.
Failed minimum system requirements. You must correct these issues before continuing.
[removed@grace public_html]$ ls -l /home/removed/public_html/config/
total 28
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 9513 Dec  8 14:55 blesta.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed  723 Dec  8 14:46 database.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 4028 Dec  8 14:46 i18.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 2246 Dec  8 14:46 routes.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed   70 Dec  8 14:46 services.php
[removed@grace public_html]$


I have installed 3 times getting this error to make sure it was not user error, I checked the file existed before I run the above setup:

[removed@grace public_html]$ cd config
[removed@grace config]$ ls -l
total 28
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 9475 Dec  8 14:46 blesta-new.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed  723 Dec  8 14:46 database.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 4028 Dec  8 14:46 i18.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 2246 Dec  8 14:46 routes.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed   70 Dec  8 14:46 services.php
[removed@grace config]$


My best guess is it's trying to run the install again and the file is being renamed from blesta-new.php to blesta.php then later in the install it's looking again fro the blesta-new.php.

I'm not even sure what it's trying to do as the install seemed to have finished, and as the log suggests I can log in with /admin/login

Sorry for all the edits.


What is the issue here exactly? I'm a bit confused as to the concern.

If blesta-new.php is not writable, the error appears to be valid. If you then updated permissions for your user and ran the install, then all should be good. Attempting to run the install a second time when it's already been installed should fail.


Hi Tyson,

Sorry for the confusion.

I run the install once, but it seems as soon as it finished it started to run again with no user interaction to cause this.  This caused the error regarding blesta-new.php as the blesta-new.php did not exisit on the second run of the install, as the first run changed it's name to blesta.php


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