sri Posted November 22, 2016 Report Posted November 22, 2016 Team, Recently we have migrated to AWS and using DB as Mariadb. Below is the code used to perform "Analyze table"... DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`xyz`@`%` PROCEDURE `ANALYZE_OF_TABLES`() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE TNAME CHAR(255); DECLARE DATALOAD CHAR(255); DECLARE table_names CURSOR for SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN table_names; WHILE done = 0 DO FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO TNAME; IF done = 0 THEN SET @SQL_TXT = CONCAT(' ANALYZE TABLE ', TNAME, ' PERSISTENT FOR COLUMNS () INDEXES () '); PREPARE stmt_name FROM @SQL_TXT; EXECUTE stmt_name; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_name; END IF; END WHILE; CLOSE table_names; SET DONE=1; END$$ DELIMITER ; Code Execution : Perfectly , running Issue : I would like to see the Analyze on the table done as below : Analyze successfully completed for table ABC Analyze successfully completed for table XYZ... currently i see the code displayed for each table as IN each tab DATABASE.TABLE_NAME analyze status Engine-independent statistics collected DATABASE.TABLE_NAME Analyze status OK Quote
Michael Posted November 22, 2016 Report Posted November 22, 2016 Sorry are you using Blesta or AWS as you said "to"? This is the Blesta forums. Blesta Addons 1 Quote
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