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Ticket System Not receiving Piped Emails that have Attachment


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4 hours ago, turner2f said:

If I send an email from Yahoo with an attachment, the "Piped" email is NOT received by the Support ticket system.

The system does work with attachments included. The one thing that I find strange is that you have to login to Blesta in order to download the attachment. Paul and team have said that it is to keep from having any malicious attachments delivered to your inbox but we still get them anyways.

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Attachments (at least for the included Support Manager) are stored in your uploads directory, which must be set correctly under Settings > System > General.


Inside uploads should exist a directory named "1", representing your first company. Inside "1" you should have support_manager_files


Inside that is where Blesta tries to write ticket attachments. Ensure that the directory exists, is set under Settings > System > General (Just to ~/uploads/), and that it's writable.

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Thanks Paul.

It appears to already be set up just as you specified

I changed the "uploads" folder from 755 to 777

Will see how it goes.


By the way, what does " Rotation Policy " mean  ?

It's in settings --> system --> general --> basic setup

Mine is set to "30 days".

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The Rotation Policy is how long certain logs are held before they are rotated out. The default of 30 days is best for most people. Some logs like the mail log are never rotated out. Don't manually truncate log tables from the database or you could run into trouble.

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Just tried it WITH and WITHOUT attachments.


Emails WITHOUT attachments get through to the ticket system


Emails WITH attachments never even make it to the ticket system. 

There is NO notification that the email itself has even "bounced" or even exists at all .


FYI - This occurred with BOTH the "Support Manager" and the "Support Manager PRO" plugins

FYI 2 - The uploads work fine, BUT only when the files are sent directly through the support ticket interface


Looking at my directory path through FTP it is




Would you mind logging into my Admin area to check my settings ?


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Can you check your email logs for the piped email? There may be a more descriptive error in there. Also, triple check that PHP has mailparse, both for Apache and the CLI version. If you SSH in you can run this to check:

php -i | grep mailparse

You should see something like: mailparse support => enabled

Not only should "uploads" be writable, but so should the sub-directories in there, including 1 and 1/support_manager_files. The path stored under Settings > System > General should begin and end with a forward slash, and point only to the uploads directory. ie "/home/user/uploads/"

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Where exactly would I go to check the "email logs " ?

And what exactly should I be looking for it to say ( as optimal scenario ) ?


Would you mind logging into my Admin area to check my settings ?


Looking at my directory path through FTP it is



The  " support_managerpro_files " folder is set to 777 too.



I performed the same test TWICE with an attachment.

The email that had the attachment was in fact posted to the ticket system.


1) - There is still NO attachment

2) - I ( as an admin or the client ) was NOT notified by email that the Ticket was posted

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Can I just check with you, you do realise that attachments aren't sent in emails BUT should show up on the ticket in Blesta itself.

and thinking about it, it could be a PHP setting which is preventing it because the attachment is bigger than they allow. This is why it's best to host yourself on your own vps so you can set the limits.

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Attachments (at least for the included Support Manager) are stored in your uploads directory, which must be set correctly under Settings > System > General.


Inside uploads should exist a directory named "1", representing your first company. Inside "1" you should have support_manager_files


Inside that is where Blesta tries to write ticket attachments.

Ensure that the directory exists, is set under Settings > System > General (Just to ~/uploads/), and that it's writable.

Settings within Settings > System > General :

Root Web Directory - /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/uploads/

Temp Directory - /tmp/    ( writable )

Uploads Directory  - uploads/    (writable)     FYI - Notice that I do not use a " / " at the beginning.

Rotation Policy  - 30 Days



Settings within C-Panel > Email > Global Email Filters :

/usr/local/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_managerpro/pipe.php plugin/support_managerpro/ticket_pipe/index/1/

/usr/local/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_managerpro/pipe.php plugin

/usr/local/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_managerpro/pipe.php



File Directory path through FTP & set to 755 permissions :







Can you check your email logs for the piped email? There may be a more descriptive error in there. Also, triple check that PHP has mailparse, both for Apache and the CLI version. If you SSH in you can run this to check:

php -i | grep mailparse

You should see something like: mailparse support => enabled

Not only should "uploads" be writable, but so should the sub-directories in there, including 1 and 1/support_manager_files. The path stored under Settings > System > General should begin and end with a forward slash, and point only to the uploads directory. ie "/home/user/uploads/"

I contacted my VPS host provider and they said...

PHP has mailparse = YES
For Apache and the CLI version  = YES
php -i | grep mailparse  = YES
mailparse support => enabled  = YES
"uploads" are be writable  = YES at 755
 1 and 1/support_manager_files are writable  = YES at 755
The path stored under Settings > System > General  = /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/uploads/     FYI - for the ( Root Web Directory text field )



I performed the same test FOUR times with an attachment ( PDF, Image and/or text at about 200 kb at most )

The piped email ( sent from Yahoo ) that had the attachment was in fact posted to the ticket system.


1) - There is still NO attachment INCLUDED with the ticket when viewed inside the Admin panel

2) - I ( as an admin or the client ) was NOT notified by email that the Ticket was posted

FYI - I even disabled all my other plugins and still get the same 2 issues



I am on a VPS.

My file settings allow up to 50MB per file.

I performed the same " piped email "  test  FOUR times with an attachment  ( sent from Yahoo )
( PDF, Image and/or text at just 200 kilobytes at most )


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I feel like I'm talking to a teenager who can't understand how to install software minus Wordpress. I'm trying not to be an arsehole (which I know I am), but come'on I've tried to be nice in the other threads and I just feel I'm talking to someone who hasn't got any experience in the web hosting industry and you claim to be good with wordpress.


Root Web Directory - /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/uploads/

Temp Directory - /tmp/    ( writable )

Uploads Directory  - uploads/    (writable)     FYI - Notice that I do not use a " / " at the beginning.

Do you understand what a ROOT WEB DIRECTORY IS? It is where the bloody root of the bloody install is. So to a human being it would be: /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/ because that is where you upload your bloody website or Blesta. Unless you have really installed Blesta in a uploads folder and that is where you make your website then fine. 

Temp Folder: Well that's self explanatory too, it's where the temp folder is on the server which is writable by everyone so you don't touch it.

Uploads folder: Well I thought that sort of self explained itself too, it's where the UPLOADS folder is, the folder which should be called UPLOADS, and it shouldn't be in Public reach because any tom, dick or harry can view the bloody contents if they know what they are looking for (which would take a genius because they are hashed files unless you upload them manually), which in your case would be: /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/uploads/

If you own the VPS you are on: 

nano  /etc/php.ini
memory_limit = 32M
upload_max_filesize = 24M
post_max_size = 32M

then reboot apache.

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