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"Support Manager Pro" plugin gives a PHP Error



STEP 1 - I downloaded it from ... http://on.gweb.pt/Public_Open_Blesta/support_managerpro.zip



STEP 2 -  I then went to ...

And when I scroll almost half-way down, I read the following instructions...

How to Upgrade (Only for Support Manager Pro and Blesta 3.4 or Above)

If you want all functionality of the "Support Manager Pro" and at the same time have "Support Manager" original, just do:


1 - Download the full Suport Manager Pro Plugin here -> Download Support Manager Pro Plugin (updated 21-02-2016)

2 - Uncompress, and upload the folder "support_managerpro" to blesta /plugins/ directory.

3 - Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Plugins and it will list the "Support Manager Pro" plugin, just Click on "UPGRADE"




STEP 3 - I installed the plugin, but I did not see any button that said "Upgrade".

So I went ahead and installed ( activated ) it.



STEP 4 - I now see two (2) "Support" buttons in the menu navigation.

So I DE-Activated ( disabled ) the default "Support Manager" plugin .





When I click on the NEWER "Support" dropdown links from the navigation menu I get the following PHP error...

Fatal error: Class 'SupportManagerproController' not found in /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_kb_controller.php on line 11
Undefined variable: e



I even DE-Actived ( DIS-abled ) all my other plugins,

and also updated the "Access Control List" at   settings  -->  system  -->  staff groups



ALSO If I go into PHPMyAdmin and click on any of the 14 database tables I get...

MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).



I even DE-activated, deleted and RE-Uploaded the "Support Manager Pro" plugin back onto the server 




How do I resolve this PHP Error ?

Or did I miss something within the settings ?



20 answers to this question

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I went to ...


And opened up the blesta.php  file

The error reporting is already at "0" ( disabled )


// Debugging
// PHP error_reporting. 0 to disable error reporting, -1 to to show all errors
// Consult php's documentation for additional options
// Override minPHP's debugging setting. true to enable debugging, false to disable it
Configure::set("System.debug", false);



I also downloaded version 2.8.0 of the plugin at ... 


And I still get the Fatal Error.


So I am getting the same FATAL Error whether it is version 2.80 or version 2.10.2



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I spoke with my Web Host Manager and they said that there is NO conflict with the PHP Version or the server settings.

They are inclined to believe that the issue has something to do with the installation since I never saw an "Upgrade" button ( "STEP 3" ) after I activated the plugin.




How to Upgrade (Only for Support Manager Pro and Blesta 3.4 or Above)

If you want all functionality of the "Support Manager Pro" and at the same time have "Support Manager" original, just do:


1 - Download the full Suport Manager Pro Plugin here -> Download Support Manager Pro Plugin (updated 21-02-2016)

2 - Uncompress, and upload the folder "support_managerpro" to blesta /plugins/ directory.

3 - Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Plugins and it will list the "Support Manager Pro" plugin, just Click on "UPGRADE"

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I don't think he understands what an "upgrade" means as he's said it like 100+ times here. You have to install the plugin first you don't upgrade something which hasn't been installed. It's basically common sense.

Have you uploaded the folder to the plugin folder correctly and not a random folder made by the zip so it's plugins/support_manager_pro/ and inside there is: /views/ & /components/ & /config/ etc

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Like @Licensecart says, the upgrade is only for people that alredy have "Support Manager Pro"  installed, if you never installed "Support Manager Pro" and you only use the default from Blesta "Support Manager", you cannot install the "upgrade":)

You have to uninstall the Upgrade, remove all files, then if you dont need the Default Blesta "Support Manager" and you plano to only use my modification Support Manager Pro, unistall also the "Support Manager" from your Blesta, afther that, download the Full Support Manager Pro from my first post:

1º- Download the full Suport Manager Pro Plugin here -> Download Support Manager Pro Plugin (updated 21-02-2016)


2º- Uncompress, and upload the folder "support_managerpro" to blesta /plugins/ directory.
3º- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Plugins->Available and it will list the "Support Manager Pro" plugin, just Click on "INSTALL"
4º- Now you will see on new menu item called "Support Pro". Now you have to configure everything like the original Support Manager.

Any problem just post it here  :blesta:

P.S- Many thanks @Blesta Addons and @Licensecart ;)



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@PauloVand @Blesta Addons

Thank you for your reply.

Please know that I am not a programmer, so I am not exactly familiar with the whole process of how to install some of these things "step-by-step"

or with some of the Blesta-related technical jargon . :)

I am also NEW to this software and its particular structure. :)

My strength is mainly in CSS, some programming modifications, and deductive reasoning
( when I am given the full picture of what I am working with ) . :)



I am pretty certain I followed the first 4 steps cited...

1st- Download the full Support Manager Pro Plugin here -> Download Support Manager Pro Plugin (updated 21-02-2016)

2nd- Un-Compress, and upload the folder "support_managerpro" to blesta /plugins/ directory.
3rd- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Settings -> Company -> Plugins -> Available and it will list the "Support Manager Pro" plugin, just Click on "INSTALL"
4th- Now you will see one new menu item called "Support Pro". Now you have to configure everything like the original Support Manager.

What I saw as a result were two (2) "Support" buttons in my ADMIN's top navigation menu .
I DIS-abled the default ( basic version ) "Support Manager" so that I now had one (1) "Support" button displayed in my ADMIN's top navigation menu .
As for the 4th Step, I never saw an item menu within the ADMIN area that explicitly says, "Support Pro". 

What I saw in the ADMIN's top navigation is "Support"
Within the "Plugins" list I did see a white "Manage" button within the "Plugins" list next to the activated Support Manager Pro plugin ( IE - the " Support Manager Pro Default Configs " )
And when I clicked on that "Manage" button, it was already pre-populated.
I did not see anywhere throughout the whole Blesta interface where we " ... configure everything like the original Support Manager.  "
Unless, you are meaning / referring that I should go to the "Support" button that is at the top of the ADMIN navigation menu and to configure using one of the drop-down links,
I already tried that. And when I clicked on the five (5)  "drop-down" links under "Support" I received a FATAL error.
Fatal error: Class 'SupportManagerproController' not found in /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_kb_controller.php on line 11
Undefined variable: e

This FATAL error occurs whether "Support Manager" and "Support Manager Pro" are both activated together
And also when "Support Manager" is DIS-abled.
Interestingly enough the cited  download links  for  BOTH the "regular" version and the "upgrade" for Support Manager PRO are the EXACT same link ( the same zip file ).

Someone else replied that I have to 1st install the "Support Manager PRO" plugin and then upgrade it.

If I were to do an "upgrade" I would of course reason that there are going to be two (2) different zip files, not one.

Is there supposed to be only ONE file for everything ?

Am I supposed to overwrite or merge some files between these two plugins through FTP?

Should "Support Manager" be activated while installing the "Support Manager PRO" plugin ?

** It seems as if there is something that I am not  being made  understandably aware of concerning ALL the steps necessary for the initial installation, and then the "upgrade" process.   :)
Again, I am not 100% familiar with the whole process of how the Blesta platform works, although I have a pretty good grasp of 90% of it as I have tinkered around with it.
Installing this plugin step-by-step ( and knowing the exact areas to configure ) is something I could really use some graceful help with
from those that are already more familiar than me. :)

Although, I cannot configure anything ( through an interface) until I can get rid of the FATAL error.
** Screenshots of how to install, upgrade and where to configure are definitely helpful.  :)
Thank you.
I look forward to your kind assistance.
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8 minutes ago, turner2f said:


Before doing so...,

Should I have the "Support Manager" plugin DIS-abled or UN-installed first ?


should BOTH plugins be "Activated" ?

un-install the support manager and install the support manager pro, remove the 1 folder inside /cache/ and it will clear the navigation cache.

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I UN-Installed the "Support Manager" plugin and completely removed it from the server

I even RE-Installed a fresh copy of "Support Manager PRO"

I cleared the cache as you asked.

Within the "Staff Groups" I went to "Access Control List" and gave full permissions.

I still get a ....

Fatal error: Class 'SupportManagerproController' not found in /home/pigomult/support.pigomultimedia.com/pigo_hub_cntr/plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_kb_controller.php on line 11
Undefined variable: e


When I click on any of the Dropdown links under the "Support" button.


I am getting a strong idea that this has something to do with the initial install because when I go to PHPMyAdmin the "Support PRO" ]
tables are all empty.



I am currently using BETA Version 4.0.0-b3 of Blesta

Could this be the issue ?

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ok not sure , but try this simple fix

open the file plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_controller.php , the move the second line

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "support_managerpro_kb_controller.php";

to the line before the last


so the last of the file should be like

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "support_managerpro_kb_controller.php";




  • 0

Thanks for the reply.

BEFORE I do this...

Should I first UN-install and delete the "Support Manager" plugin ?


Should I just DIS-able it and then activate "Support Manager PRO" ?


Is there any harm if I just get rid of the "Support Manager" from off my database and delete the plugin first ?

I am only asking because I am not certain if the PRO version has any database dependencies on the REGULAR version during the install or not .


ALSO I am currently using Blesta Version 4.0.0-b3 .

Do you know if "Support Manager PRO" works with that version ?


Look forward to your reply :)


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Thanks for the reply.


I know that ultimately I should have just one of them running.

But what I was meaning is...

Can I have BOTH versions installed while I am testing out the PRO version ?


Do I have to first UN-install the regular version before I can test the PRO ?




I am asking because this way if the PRO version still does not work I could still keep my database tables for the "regular" version without having to RE-build it again.


IF the PRO version works then I would go ahead and delete the "regular" version afterwards.



Will that be OK to do that ?


Do I have to UN-install the "regular" version first before testing out the PRO ?



Thank you for your kind assistance.


Look forward to your reply. :)

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Posted (edited)

@Blesta Addons


Your advice worked.



STEP 1 - I opened the " support_managerpro_controller.php " file plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_controller.php ,

STEP 2 - Then I  moved the second line

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "support_managerpro_kb_controller.php";

to the line before the last ...


so that the bottom of the file should look like ...

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "support_managerpro_kb_controller.php";




I was able to simultaneously keep BOTH the default "Support Manger" plugin AND the PRO versions activated  UNTIL I was done copying and pasting and duplicating the same configurations from the BASIC version over to the "PRO" version's text fields, etc.


Once I DE-activated the basic/default  "Support Manager" plugin, I had to remember to change the path within my C-Panel "Global Email Filters" so that I could continue getting my emails "piped" over into the PRO version's interface.


I it changed from ...

/usr/local/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/

And changed it to ...

/usr/local/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_managerpro/pipe.php plugin/support_managerpro/ticket_pipe/index/1/

You can learn more about how to do this at ...

Thanks again for the kind and clear assist . :)


For those that are new to the "Support Manager Pro" version,

Here is the current link to download it as of November 13, 2016...


https://github.com/qlpqlp/Blesta   ( alternative link. BUT it  might  be an older version though )

And here are some screenshots of all the goodies to the support interface...


























Edited by turner2f
Added more info
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On 12/11/2016 at 2:45 PM, Blesta Addons said:

ok not sure , but try this simple fix

open the file plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_controller.php , the move the second line

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "support_managerpro_kb_controller.php";

to the line before the last


so the last of the file should be like

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "support_managerpro_kb_controller.php";





Hello :)

Many thanks @Blesta Addons very stange lol :)

I have added your fix alredy to Support Manager Pro. Later on I will update the first post :)



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