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Can Support Tickets be deleted within Blesta ?



Can Support Tickets be deleted within Blesta ?

Would like to know so that our database does not get too big with very old tickets.

Would also like to keep our ticket area NON-cluttered


I found a link for a plugin called " Support Manager Pro " on the forum, but cannot find it anywhere...


5 answers to this question

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Thanks for the reply.

I downloaded it from ... http://on.gweb.pt/Public_Open_Blesta/support_managerpro.zip


Without sounding silly...

Does this not work at all with Blesta ?


Are you saying that after it is installed that it will have it's own database ( not connected / communicating with Blesta's ) ?


I went to ...


And when I scroll almost half-way down, I read the following instructions...

How to Upgrade (Only for Support Manager Pro and Blesta 3.4 or Above)


If you want all functionality of the "Support Manager Pro" and at the same time have "Support Manager" original, just do:


1 - Download the full Suport Manager Pro Plugin here -> Download Support Manager Pro Plugin (updated 21-02-2016)


2 - Uncompress, and upload the folder "support_managerpro" to blesta /plugins/ directory.


3 - Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Plugins and it will list the "Support Manager Pro" plugin, just Click on "UPGRADE"


Do these steps address what you mentioned when you said...


Note this is a another plugin that will not work with the core support plugin .


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24 minutes ago, turner2f said:

Without sounding silly...

Does this not work at all with Blesta ?


Are you saying that after it is installed that it will have it's own database ( not connected to Blesta's ) ?

He is saying that you have to disable the core Blesta Support Plugin in order to make this plugin work. Blesta only uses 1 database.

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I installed the plugin, but I did not see any button that said "Upgrade".

So I went ahead and installed ( activated ) it.


I now see two (2) "Support" buttons in the navigation.

Which is what I guess you were referring to earlier.


When I click on the NEWER "Support" button I get the following PHP error...

Fatal error: Class 'SupportManagerproController' not found in /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_kb_controller.php on line 11
Undefined variable: e



I even DE-Actived ( DIS-abled ) all my other plugins and also updated the "Access Control List" at  settings --> system --> staff groups



ALSO If I go into PHPMyAdmin and click on any of the 14 database tables I get...

MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).



How do I resolve this ?

Or did I miss something within the settings ?

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