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ok i have a small problem

not sure if i need to set something up in the webhost manager or in blesta

but when i do a test run on setting up a reseller account 

it sets it up

but it dose not set any of the Account Creation Limits

how do i fix this

should i go to cpanel and ask?


17 answers to this question

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39 minutes ago, Henrynowa said:

ok i have a small problem

not sure if i need to set something up in the webhost manager or in blesta

but when i do a test run on setting up a reseller account 

it sets it up

but it dose not set any of the Account Creation Limits

how do i fix this

should i go to cpanel and ask?


Do you have package(s) created in WHM? If so, are you able to connect through the Blesta cPanel module after you enter your server IP, root password, etc?

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4 minutes ago, evolvewh said:

Do you have package(s) created in WHM? If so, are you able to connect through the Blesta cPanel module after you enter your server IP, root password, etc?

yes i can
i have cpanel user accounts setup
but under here Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges
for this user see screen shot

but this user has no Account Creation Limits set



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Let me make sure I have everything correct:

a) You have a reseller plan purchased from another hosting provider?

If so, all you need to do is create packages and then you can add accounts. You are the 'reseller' in this case and it looks like you're trying to create 'sub resellers' under your 'reseller' account.

I'm surprised this hosting provider even gave you access to the 'resellers' section of WHM.

If you're doing something different than this, let me know so I do a better job of helping you out.

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15 hours ago, Henrynowa said:

i have root access i own the server

if you have skype it would be easier to explain 


ok here is a better idea what i'm trying to do look at screen shot below


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2 hours ago, Henrynowa said:

what is not being set is Account Creation Limits

This setting is only set in whm . Normally the account limit in blesta is not related with whm , so is used internally in blesta , if you setup limit in blesta to 10 , that mean you cannot have more than 10 active account in blesta for that whm account , this setting is helpfully in case you have multiple servers and you want to loadbalacing creation account between them .

  • 0
9 hours ago, Henrynowa said:

it is  Account Creation Limits under Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges
then Resource Usage Limits

i think may have it fixed cpanel-extended

that seams to fix my problem


i haven't understand your problem and how it was fixed . can you elaborate more .


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7 hours ago, Henrynowa said:

ok in the cpanel-extended plugin it has a spot for the reseller disk and bandwidth to be passed

  • Disk Space Reseller Limit
  • Bandwidth Reseller Limit

this was not being setup with out this plugin


ahh , ok now is clear .


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7 hours ago, Henrynowa said:

ok in the cpanel-extended plugin it has a spot for the reseller disk and bandwidth to be passed

  • Disk Space Reseller Limit
  • Bandwidth Reseller Limit

this was not being setup with out this plugin


You can create packages within WHM that store these values as well as the feature list, Maximum Hourly Email by Domain Relayed, Max FTP Accounts, Max Email Accounts, etc. Once you do this, there is no real need to set it up in Blesta again. That's why you weren't seeing these functions in the standard cPanel module that comes with Blesta. The cPanel Extended module does give you the option to override these values if you want to. Personally, I like to set these up within WHM but it's up to you and how you want to configure yours.


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2 hours ago, evolvewh said:

You can create packages within WHM that store these values as well as the feature list, Maximum Hourly Email by Domain Relayed, Max FTP Accounts, Max Email Accounts, etc. Once you do this, there is no real need to set it up in Blesta again. That's why you weren't seeing these functions in the standard cPanel module that comes with Blesta. The cPanel Extended module does give you the option to override these values if you want to. Personally, I like to set these up within WHM but it's up to you and how you want to configure yours.


i have all that done

i used to do every thing by forms and set them up old school enter all the account info by hand it gets old after a bit

  • 0
1 hour ago, Henrynowa said:

i have all that done

i used to do every thing by forms and set them up old school enter all the account info by hand it gets old after a bit

I'm only referring to creating the hosting packages that you'll sell to your customers. I agree creating the client accounts manually is old school and that's why we're using Blesta to handle that type of setup work.

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