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I'm trying blesta, I encountered a problem with the email piping. I read the tutorial on this forum about the configuration of piping email pop3, imap, php piping nothing works. <_<

I installed blesta in cpanel but not root just resellers. But email piping could walk clientexec and whsuite.

Is there a specially server settings so that the ticket can be imported or required root access?

10 answers to this question

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Piping should work out of the box and nothing needs root minus cPanel module which uses the API hash. What you need to tell us what have you done and what control panel you are using if you use one?

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Make sure MailParse is installed, and enabled in php properly. This is an error most people don't see even though it's right in front of them. MailParse doesn't come enabled in cPanel installations automatically. 

Make sure the department email matches the email you want to pipe to. So if you want to pipe support@company.com - make sure the department email is set to support@company.com

Make sure your forwarder is set to the right file path that Blesta gives you when setting the department up

Make sure your file permissions are correct. 644 or 755 for pipe.php depending on your environment. 

Make sure the hasbang is in the pipe.php file. That info can be found in this forum and in the Blesta docs. 


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Hi @Licensecart @AnthonyL

I'am use cpanel/whm, i set like your post on other question also not work, follow any tutorial same issue.

All required modul installed on server, chmod pipe.php 777 yes, i not set forwarder, what required to use forwarder if imap/pop3?

I'm already confused

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well right off the bat, you set it to use IMAP, not piping :) 

Set it to piping, and you'll see Blesta give you a one line command to enter as an email forwarder in your cpanel account

I don't agree on 777 chmod permissions either. Unless your host is not doing their job correctly. PHP files should never be set to 777 in a cPanel environment. You're just asking to be hacked. 644 for all files, 755 if you really need to. 

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1 hour ago, indteam said:

I create 3 departement and i set 1 use php piping, 2 pop3, 3 imap.

chmd back to 755

This is what works for us with the latest stable cPanel release:

pipe.php file needs to be 700 permission and add the hash bang to the first line of the file.

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And to add to the above since your using cPanel you should go to: Mail > Mail Forwarders > Pipe to program.

Then paste in the command from Blesta, I believe cPanel is /usr/local/bin/php not /usr/bin/php so if you replace that and save, if the hashbang hasn't been added it will do it for you.

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2 hours ago, indteam said:

Wo amazing, tanks @Licensecart , pipe working with /usr/local/bin/php

New replay from email not split to existing ticket but create new again oh

Do you have the hash in the email subject line? Settings > Company > Emails > Ticket Updated

Then in the subject ensure there's this tag: 


I use this:

Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - #{ticket.code} has been {% if ticket.reply_date_added == ticket.date_added %}opened{% else %}updated.{% endif %}            [{ticket_hash_code}]


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