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Version 3.0.0 is now available. You can download it at https://account.blest...er/client_main/.

If you're interested in developing extensions for Blesta, be sure to check out the Developer Manual.

Installing Blesta

See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.


Migrating from Blesta 2.5

Install Blesta version 3, then go to [settings] > [Plugins] > [Available Plugins] and install the Import Manager plugin. Once installed, click "Manage" and select 2.5. From there just enter your database credentials and your encryption key for your 2.5 installation. The migration process may take a few minutes to complete. BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE IMPORTING!

Upgrading Blesta (beta testers ONLY)

See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.


  • Bug fixes - Thank you for finding these!
  • Import Manager has been updated. This plugin allows users to import from various systems (currently only Blesta 2.5 supported). BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE IMPORTING!
  • Reports have been added under [billing] > [Reports].
  • Add-on Services may now be added to existing services through the staff interface.
  • Service Search now searches unencrypted, unserialized service field data.

Release Notes - Blesta Core - Version 3.0.0 (everything since 3.0.0.b7)


## Version 3.0.0

### Bug
* [CORE-289] - Potential issue with cron applying credits
* [CORE-454] - Creating client does not evaluate all custom fields
* [CORE-456] - Calendar redirect dates are incorrect
* [CORE-584] - Update delete actions to require POST
* [CORE-618] - Interworx: Cannot update a service's options without using the module
* [CORE-620] - Client payment confirmation page may generate an "Attempt to modify property of non-object" error
* [CORE-625] - Invoice service coverage dates don't appear for newly activated services
* [CORE-626] - Update install/uninstall extensions to use POST instead of GET
* [CORE-629] - Cron may fail to apply credits that would close invoices due to a float precision error
* [CORE-630] - Module: Universal Module Undefined property package_rules
* [CORE-631] - System Status Plugin: Update order URL when using a trial
* [CORE-633] - Malformed invoice link when editing a transaction
* [CORE-634] - Incorrect applied amount displayed when editing a transaction
* [CORE-636] - Tax Liability Report displays twice the level 1 tax amount and no level 2 tax rate if level 2 tax rates apply
* [CORE-637] - Unable to view invoice for transaction applied amounts when editing a transaction
* [CORE-638] - When adding a service, the Send order confirmation email checkbox is not selected
* [CORE-640] - Order Plugin: Visiting /order produces an error if the order plugin is not installed
* [CORE-641] - Setting tax to inclusive vs exclusive has no effect
* [CORE-642] - Cron fails to run time based tasks as scheduled if no run history
* [CORE-643] - Visiting client interface when logged in as admin may cause redirect loop
* [CORE-645] - A client's default language is not used
* [CORE-646] - Support Manager: Typo in language definition "Awaiting Reply"
* [CORE-648] - Uninvoiced pending services fail to be activated
* [CORE-649] - cPanel: Undefined property: stdClass::$cpanel_confirm_password may occur when editing a service
* [CORE-651] - Editing tax rule affects previously created invoices
* [CORE-653] - CMS/Portal plugin: The index page may use an incorrect URL to the Order page when installed under a subdirectory
* [CORE-654] - Order Plugin: Coupon error message does not fit within its Cart container element
* [CORE-656] - Missing language definitions do not fallback to the default language

### Improvement
* [CORE-481] - Service search should include service meta fields

### New Feature
* [CORE-106] - Billing Reports
* [CORE-389] - Add the ability for addons to be added to existing parent services
* [CORE-603] - Add legacy reseller API support

### Task
* [CORE-644] - Add information box above Internationalization setting for translations

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