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How to use Services->add function?

as documented here: http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Services.html

I am trying to add a service manually using $this->Services->add();

I am basically trying to do this inside the license_manager plugin as an additional controller file named api.php

for my reseller api I am making I got suspend,unsuspend,cancel,getinfo(gets the license data like callhome,etc to display in reseller's blesta.)

could anyone help me with that specific function?


the class is totally clear to understand . the command should be

public function add(array $vars, array $packages = null, $notify = false)

and what you can pass as vars is explained here

	 * Adds a new service to the system
	 * @param array $vars An array of service info including:
	 * 	- parent_service_id The ID of the service this service is a child of (optional)
	 * 	- package_group_id The ID of the package group this service was added from (optional)
	 * 	- pricing_id The package pricing schedule ID for this service
	 * 	- client_id The ID of the client to add the service under
	 * 	- module_row_id The module row to add the service under (optional, default module will decide)
	 * 	- coupon_id The ID of the coupon used for this service (optional)
	 * 	- qty The quanity consumed by this service (optional, default 1)
	 * 	- override_price The price to set for this service, overriding the package pricing value for the selected term (optional, default null)
	 * 	- override_currency The currency to set for this service, overriding the package pricing value for the selected term (optional, default null)
	 *	- status The status of this service (optional, default 'pending'):
	 * 		- active
	 * 		- canceled
	 * 		- pending
	 * 		- suspended
	 * 		- in_review
	 * 	- date_added The date this service is added (default to today's date UTC)
	 * 	- date_renews The date the service renews (optional, default calculated by package term)
	 * 	- date_last_renewed The date the service last renewed (optional)
	 * 	- date_suspended The date the service was last suspended (optional)
	 * 	- date_canceled The date the service was last canceled (optional)
	 * 	- use_module Whether or not to use the module when creating the service ('true','false', default 'true', forced 'false' if status is 'pending' or 'in_review')
	 * 	- configoptions An array of key/value pairs of package options where the key is the package option ID and the value is the option value (optional)
	 * 	- * Any other service field data to pass to the module
	 * @param array $packages A numerically indexed array of packages ordered along with this service to determine if the given coupon may be applied
	 * @param boolean $notify True to notify the client by email regarding this service creation, false to not send any notification (optional, default false)
	 * @return int The ID of this service, void if error

now it left what you need to store after the call is successfully done .


what i recomand is to initialize the module init and call the module rather than the service add function .  a sample code is the fallowing :

$add_services = $this->ModuleManager->moduleRpc($package->module_id, "addService", array(($package, (array)$vars, $parent_package=null, $parent_service=null, $status="pending")));

that was the module will ad the service and store the service fields to the database .

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