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We're currently investigating whether Blesta could suit our needs, and I was wondering about billing and invoices.


Currently, it appears to be possible for a customer to change their address info, which retro-actively changes old invoices (so my address is 123 Sesame St., I get an invoice, I change my address to 1 Infinite Loop and suddenly that same invoice has the new address). We'd rather see the address at time of invoice generation being "stickied" to the invoice somehow, since otherwise we'd technically be changing history.


I did some cursory searching on the forums and JIRA, there's CORE-923 which pretty much fills our need here, but I have no idea how long it'll take for this feature to make it to production. Is this something we could somehow achieve on the current version? (I'm afraid not, but asking never hurts)


I have to say I'm much more impressed by the code and documentation of Blesta versus some other software we're evaluating (I'm sure you can guess the name...), so that's nice.

3 answers to this question

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I don't have an ETA on CORE-923 but I went ahead and assigned it to our "Short Term" bucket.


You could accomplish this on your own if you want to, since Blesta is open. The simplest approach is to write invoices to disk when they are created or when their PDFs are originally requested, then check if they exist on disk prior to generating a new PDF. If it exists already on disk, serve that one instead.


A developer shouldn't have too much trouble figuring out how to do this.


Thanks for the kind words :blesta:

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This thread has a relation with EU invoicing system . We have already talked about this in several times .

The solution posted or the Jira task is not a ideal solution here . If the pdf is deleted for some reason a new invoice will be generated with the new client info and that is a big probleme .

The onlyvreal solution is to add client info to a invoice row . Or add new table called for exemple "invoice_contact" include in it the client name and adress with client id . Then in invoice add a new culumn "invoice_contact_id" that will store the id of the contact used .

That way every invoice will have a stored contact info . Even if the client change thier info in the profile .

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I don't have an ETA on CORE-923 but I went ahead and assigned it to our "Short Term" bucket.


You could accomplish this on your own if you want to, since Blesta is open. The simplest approach is to write invoices to disk when they are created or when their PDFs are originally requested, then check if they exist on disk prior to generating a new PDF. If it exists already on disk, serve that one instead.


I'm sure I could change the current behaviour (I am, indeed, a developer :) ), but I don't feel to happy about hacking in the "core" code, since that'd cause all kinds of grief when a new version rolls around. 


This thread has a relation with EU invoicing system . We have already talked about this in several times .

The solution posted or the Jira task is not a ideal solution here . If the pdf is deleted for some reason a new invoice will be generated with the new client info and that is a big probleme .

The onlyvreal solution is to add client info to a invoice row . Or add new table called for exemple "invoice_contact" include in it the client name and adress with client id . Then in invoice add a new culumn "invoice_contact_id" that will store the id of the contact used .

That way every invoice will have a stored contact info . Even if the client change thier info in the profile .


This is what our current (home-grown) system does, to. Yes, you want to (and in the EU, *must*) save that data.

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