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I just had a look at the client and admin demo and the client was obviously Bootstrap based and mobile friendly but the admin demo was not (apparently) Bootstrap based and therefor was not responsive. Is the upcoming v4 backend admin theme responsive by any chance?

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The admin is not using bootsrap and is not responsive. But you can manage the admin from mobile without any problme . I use the actual theme in my mobile and i never had a probleme in any admin area.



Nor me :) unless you don't have a smart phone. Safari & Chrome work well.

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That's a pity about the admin area not also being Bootstrap based. It's pretty well a showstopper for me because I need to add extra functionality and provisioning control to the backend but I am reluctant to dive in if it's not fully responsive. It might be "usable" from a phone but that's not the same as primarily mobile first, which it could be if they extended the Bootstrap client interface to the admin backend.


Thanks for the responses.

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