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i tried to configure 'additional ip' as configurable options for shared hosting

but it doesn't appear in client order page


here is my configurable options setup

group setting






client order page



thank you

12 answers to this question

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1. hosting package and configurable options both are using idr currency


2. here is my pricing setup for hosting and addon ip 


addon ip pricing, it's only available monthly



and this is my hosting price list 


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You have multiple terms for hosting but not for IP,if you chose 1 year hosting than you must chose 1 year for IP ..and so on..so every pricing option in hosting must have same term in conf. option


In you case for every option you have(I see 4)..you need 6 pricing terms .In short every option must have  1 month,3 months,6 months,1 year, 2 year, 3 year   terms


On order form will be like this


1 IP option  1 month term ----> hosting 1 month term

1 IP option   3 month term--->  hosting 3 month term

...and so on

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Ok ,did you assign that option to group and than group to package



1.Add option and assign to group

2.Assign that group to package



If You have package "hosting" and option "IP" ,,so if option "IP"  is meber of group "addons"..than in hosting package in configurable options you need to have group "addons" assigned.

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When I visited your site I noticed that tab "Order" on blesta Portal dont work and also yourdomain.com/blesta/order  link is not working which probably mean you didn't set default order form...admin-->packages-->order form-->settings ..(you'll see two tabs on left side order forms/settings)

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Give me a minute to try replicate something.


And just so you know  if you set option name 1,on order form under hosting you will have 1 and price,on order form that name is shown

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In "Package Option Group"   there is  Package Membership field..check is hosting package assigned...and that is all I can remeber


Package-->options-->group(not order form group but option group)

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First image show option "traffic booster"  and you can see group "Ultimate SEO" is assigned

Second image shows option Groups TAB..Need to click on Packages-->Options..and than will see  Option groups TAB
Third image show Option group "Ultimate SEO",group which I assign to option traffic booster....now you can see "member packages" field...there you need to assign your packages.If you create option group first than you couldn't assign package at all


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Do you have the "Client can Add" permission for the package options?


Also, the Option Group should be selected for the Package that it should be available for when editing your Packages.


aha, thanks a lot

missed this small box, a bit too small, bigger font please  :D




every blesta check box in admin page with default themes has a small font

suggest to increase font size

12px looks better  :blesta:


First image show option "traffic booster"  and you can see group "Ultimate SEO" is assigned


Second image shows option Groups TAB..Need to click on Packages-->Options..and than will see  Option groups TAB


Third image show Option group "Ultimate SEO",group which I assign to option traffic booster....now you can see "member packages" field...there you need to assign your packages.If you create option group first than you couldn't assign package at all





first image solve my problem

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