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Currently On Whmcs - Considering Going With Blesta



I'm a coder and the closed source aspect of WHMCS has proven to be a serious drawback for me. I've encountered bugs that have taken days to resolve with them and it has become a taxing situation that I am seeking to avoid in the future.


I've only recently begun researching Blesta and will begin with one simple question:


I'm running WHM + cPanel on a Cloudlinux server with cageFS installed. Right now, when an account is created via WHMCS, two issues arise that are currently unresolved by WHMCS:


1) The order remains in pending until I manually activate it (no option to auto-activate)

2) The corresponding WHM package that is applied to this client is only half-applied; cageFS limits are not applied via the LVE extension and we have to manually re-apply the package to have the limits applied.


Are these two bugs something that Blesta has covered? As in, can orders be auto-activated (I'm assuming yes since this is such an obvious functionality). How about the LVE limits?



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  On 5/17/2016 at 2:05 AM, SSy said:

I'm a coder and the closed source aspect of WHMCS has proven to be a serious drawback for me. I've encountered bugs that have taken days to resolve with them and it has become a taxing situation that I am seeking to avoid in the future.


I've only recently begun researching Blesta and will begin with one simple question:


I'm running WHM + cPanel on a Cloudlinux server with cageFS installed. Right now, when an account is created via WHMCS, two issues arise that are currently unresolved by WHMCS:


1) The order remains in pending until I manually activate it (no option to auto-activate)

2) The corresponding WHM package that is applied to this client is only half-applied; cageFS limits are not applied via the LVE extension and we have to manually re-apply the package to have the limits applied.


Are these two bugs something that Blesta has covered? As in, can orders be auto-activated (I'm assuming yes since this is such an obvious functionality). How about the LVE limits?




1. Yes, orders can be automatically approved and provisioned. This is part of an Automation task (Settings > Company > Automation) that runs as part of the cron.


2. I am not aware of any issues with CloudLinux or CageFS limits.


I'd suggest downloading 3.6.1 and installing the free trial, and giving it a spin. (Just select free trial when prompted for a license key) If you have any questions or run into any issues, we can help. :)

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Thanks for that. I've installed it and am giving it a try.


When I try to run a test order, I am going to the front end and clicking on 'order' but it does not take me to a package list even though I've created a test package that is linked to WHM. When I click on it it just refreshes the same main page.

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You need to create an order form under Packages > Order Forms, and add the package groups you want to offer to it. Under the "Settings" tab on Packages > Order, you can set which order form should be the "default", which is the one that will load when you go to /order/


One other tip is that under Billing, you should have the "Orders" widget. Click the cog/gear icon in the upper right and you can subscribe to order notification emails.

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the whmcs issue you had is strange, I assume all "quality/feature" of plan/service you sell should just come from the whm template/plan you associated with the provisionning, blesta do not work an other way as well.


double check your whm template/plan

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THanks, I'll test that out.


No, I have confirmed with WHMCS support that for some strange reason, when a WHM package is attached to a new client via WHMCS, the LVE restrictions do not get applied as well. Neither do the package permissions, such as CGI.


It's extremely strange and buggy.


Even the fact that WHMCS does not have a paypal custom style page field is kind of what broke the camel's back for me. It's literally one field that should have been added to the paypal module years ago, and because it's closed source there's absolutely no way to hack it.


Who knows what other strange and odd mechanisms exist that no one talks about. The fact that cageFS limits are not auto-applied when a new account is created, and this is now a known and accepted fact, and no one talks about it, is extremely strange to me.

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So I just did a test order and the LVE Limits associated to a package do NOT get applied when a client signs up. Same problem as WHMCS.

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  On 5/17/2016 at 3:25 PM, SSy said:

So I just did a test order and the LVE Limits associated to a package do NOT get applied when a client signs up. Same problem as WHMCS.



Blesta doesn't check on CloudLinux things since packages normally are set-up on the CloudLinux settings I believe. but you can open a feature request.


cPanel LVE Extension

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  On 5/17/2016 at 3:25 PM, SSy said:

So I just did a test order and the LVE Limits associated to a package do NOT get applied when a client signs up. Same problem as WHMCS.


I don't believe there is anything sent over the API that tells WHM/cPanel whether or not to apply the LVE limits. CL is suppose to do this automatically, so there may be a bug with CL or cPanel, or with your particular installation.

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I have cpanel servers . And every package created is take the lve limit .

In lve settings there are option to make limits for every package . In my servers all work like well . But tomorow i will check this .

Just to note , your case has nothing to do with the billing software is cpanel/clodlinux issue .

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No, when cPanel creates the package, the LVE limits are applied properly. When Blesta creates the package they do not.


So it could be a cPanel issue in that the API is bugged and does not apply LVE limits, but that would be really strange. But it does appear to be more likely given that both WHMCS and Blesta both are failing to do so.

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Best thing to do would be for someone running cageFS and Blesta to do a test order and see if the LVE limits are auto applied to that account. I would guess not.

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Can't delete invoices?


And therefore can't delete clients?


I still fail to understand why you guys try to impose rules on potential clientele regarding software they intend to use the way they want. Then recommend we make a feature request for something that should already innately be part of the system.

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whm package restriction have nothing to do with whmcs or blesta, this is internal to whm.


you associate a whm package/template to a whmcs or blesta service and that it.


So if you have provisioned package that have not all the whm package restriction, this is a whm issue only

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You're not understanding - when it is provisioned from within WHM, everything gets applied fine.


When it is provisioned from Blesta or WHMCS, everything does not get applied fine.


I originally thought this may be a WHMCS problem, but now think it must have something to do with the WHM api failing to apply extensions to accounts when packages are attached to accounts via the API.


So what this means is that creating an account from within WHM and applying a package somehow runs additional functionalities that the API is missing.

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plan provision from billing system only pass the given package ref (number) to provision and not his caracteristic, so you can understand the issue is at whm server side.  the whm api come from whm and any interaction with cloudlinux , cagefs etc are within whm.

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  On 5/18/2016 at 4:00 AM, SSy said:

Best thing to do would be for someone running cageFS and Blesta to do a test order and see if the LVE limits are auto applied to that account. I would guess not.


where should i look to see the lve limit is applied or not ? i can test .

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  On 5/18/2016 at 6:45 AM, SSy said:

Can't delete invoices?


And therefore can't delete clients?


I still fail to understand why you guys try to impose rules on potential clientele regarding software they intend to use the way they want. Then recommend we make a feature request for something that should already innately be part of the system.



something is already requested , and that from thing that should be exist in native , i vote with all my force to have delete invoices option .

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i have tested , created a new package in whm , created a custom lve settings for that package , then activated a new account from blesta . in the account cpanel, i see the lve limit that i have set for that package . so no issue for me .

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So when you go to WHM and click on list accounts then click on modify that account, and you scroll down to LVE extension the fields are not empty?


And to confirm - you did not create this account in WHM - it was created completely via Blesta?

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  On 5/18/2016 at 9:37 AM, SSy said:

So when you go to WHM and click on list accounts then click on modify that account, and you scroll down to LVE extension the fields are not empty?


And to confirm - you did not create this account in WHM - it was created completely via Blesta?


yes , completly with blesta . i will check now the modify account page .


edit ; there is no modify account in list account . modify exist in Home »Account Functions »Modify an Account , when i click in it , i didn't see any lve limit in this page .


the lve limit i see it in Home »Server Configuration »CloudLinux LVE Manager

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