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Have Something Nice To Say About Blesta? We Need Testimonials.

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Do you have something nice to say about Blesta? We need some testimonials that we can use. 1-3 sentences is good, with name & company.


For example:



"Blesta works great, and looks gorgeous. It's helped us automate our business in such a way that we can focus our time on more important things: growth. I highly recommend Blesta." - Bill Lang, BillingBrawl


If it's good, we may just use it on the website :blesta:


Feel free to post in this thread, PM me, or email me directly at sales. Thank you!


"We migrated to Blesta in 2013 because we were concerned about the security and safety of our customers, and we've never looked back. I wish we found Blesta earlier" - Michael Dance, Licensecart

Or you can use CubicWebs since Callum is going to use it and we moved to Blesta when it was CubicWebs ;D


"We opted to use Blesta from the get go after the re-branding of our business. It's functional, customisable and more importantly it just works. We fully expect to be using Blesta for the forseeable future. Kris Maguire - Austenite Web Hosting. 


"The most important thing in our company, is the security, We opted to use Blesta because is secure and functional. Thanks to Blesta is 99% Open Code we can develop our plugins and customise the code to our needs." - Abdy Franco - CyanDark International.




"since first beta release in 2007 we are sleeping well , with the new revamp in v3 and earlier , we get more control and power of extending the soft . in simple word blesta is simple, easy, modular, open code and very secure" .  Mohamed Anouar Achoukhy , NH Group .


"Blesta is multi-company/multi-domain able system build to rock. Not like hyped competitors with low quality plugins/modules. With Blesta, ignore the noise, test it, learn it and follow your choice!" Serge Frankin, NetPublica.


"Blesta is built from the ground up to meet the billing needs of small and medium-sized businesses, like ourselves, by automating every-day actions so that we can focus more on expanding our business to meet the needs and expectations of our customers." - Tyson Phillips, Phillips Data, Inc. :blesta:


"Blesta is built from the ground up to meet the billing needs of small and medium-sized businesses, like ourselves, by automating every-day actions so that we can focus more on expanding our business to meet the needs and expectations of our customers." - Tyson Phillips, Phillips Data, Inc. :blesta:


Kinda weird that you post a testimonial for your own app ?!  :D Lol, should be for customers  ... i think :D

Anyways, blesta is a secure app and i like it.


Kinda weird that you post a testimonial for your own app ?!   Lol, should be for customers  ... i think 
Anyways, blesta is a secure app and i like it.

At least is not like some microsoft comp websites using linux server in place of their own shit, :-)


Kinda weird that you post a testimonial for your own app ?!  :D Lol, should be for customers  ... i think :D

Anyways, blesta is a secure app and i like it.



I think he's joking. We aren't going to use a testimonial from ourselves. (I would consider using a testimonial from Bill Lang though, but not Terry Bull) :blesta:


"What can we say? Well, just look at the Blesta team Paul, Tyson and Cody, they are great, we ask them to add a new functionality and they add it, simple as that, no outher Hosting Billing System is as great, secure, open and well coded, as Blesta. I have tryed every Billing System out there and we recomend for European Hosting Business, Blesta as number one. Paulo Vidal - WebLX  :blesta: "

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