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So... I have a few e-mail issues that're conspiring to make it a real pain in the ass to deal with.


Specifically, I thought I'd properly set the webroot path under Settings > System > Basic Setup for the server (ie, /home/derp/html/billing) so it shows up as:


Hi Test,

This is a reminder that invoice #EH-test is due on May 07, 2016. If you have recently mailed in payment for this invoice, you can ignore this reminder.

Pay Now.. http://eidolonhost.com/html/billing/client/pay/method/49/?BLAHBLAHBLAH (No Login Required)

Thank you for your continued business!

However... links to getting the invoice paid for are showing up as the following:


Hi Test,

This is a reminder that invoice #EH-test is due on May 07, 2016. If you have recently mailed in payment for this invoice, you can ignore this reminder.

Pay Now.. http://eidolonhost.com/chroot/home/eidolon/eidolonhost.com/html/billing/client/pay/method/49/?BLAHBLAHBLAH (No Login Required)

Thank you for your continued business!

Is my understanding of the webroot path correct? Or should I be setting the webroot path as seen by users in the browser?

Edit: It appears I slightly misdid my setup... we'll see. I've currently set it to ie, /home/eidolon/eidolonhost.com/html/ I don't know why I hadn't found this specific documentation describing this exact issue Edit: The link appears to have broken.


What is the specific server settings via httpd that'd correctly allow Blesta to detect the server's webroot path?

Edit2: See original edit. Hopefully I've fixed this. :|

Thirdly: E-mails for invoices and e-mails for reminders to pay the invoice are sent nearly simultaneously. I'd set them to be 3 days apart, but Blesta seems to not be using that setting.

22 answers to this question

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The root of your system is always /html/ or /public_html/ unless you are doing a subdomain.

Yeah, I saw that in the doc. I at least understood that much before I went to bed. :P

Edit: I must've skipped over this particular bit of the document when I initially set this up or misunderstood what it meant...

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Yeah, I saw that in the doc. I at least understood that much before I went to bed. :P

Edit: I must've skipped over this particular bit of the document when I initially set this up or misunderstood what it meant...


in your defence they only recently updated that part of the documentation to make it clearer

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in your defence they only recently updated that part of the documentation to make it clearer

That'd explain why I didn't see it in the docs, then. At least now I've got it set to be correct... I'd been wondering for months what the hell I'd done wrong to make it work like that and had been doing a fair degree of research which didn't give me any clear answers on how to properly resolve it. Until I decided to check the docs again in case I missed something again. Very annoying, that, I will admit.

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Bah. Just got an e-mail and it appears that setting it to simply /home/domain/domain.com/html/ on an InterWorx-based server doesn't fix the problem, for me.

Annoyingly, the uploads directory and tmp directory are both marked as writable, so I know it's picking up things.

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Bah. Just got an e-mail and it appears that setting it to simply /home/domain/domain.com/html/ on an InterWorx-based server doesn't fix the problem, for me.

Annoyingly, the uploads directory and tmp directory are both marked as writable, so I know it's picking up things.



It should be like this: /chroot/home/lcadmin/licensecart.com/html/

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It should be like this: /chroot/home/lcadmin/licensecart.com/html/


I'm pretty sure I had it that way... yup, looking at my e-mail, I see this:


Hi Test,

An invoice has been created for your account and is attached to this email in PDF format.

Invoice #: EH-47

This invoice has already been paid, so no payment is necessary for this one, but your account may have other balances. To login to your account, please visit http://eidolonhost.com/chroot/home/eidolon/eidolonhost.com/html/billing/client/.

If you have any questions about your invoice, please let us know!


Which tells me I obviously properly set it... but for some reason is formatting the link in this way.

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I'm pretty sure I had it that way... yup, looking at my e-mail, I see this:




Which tells me I obviously properly set it... but for some reason is formatting the link in this way.



You have to ask how are the emails being sent?

Cron job or manually.

If it's by the cron job it's not the root url it's the cron job.

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You have to ask how are the emails being sent?

Cron job or manually.

If it's by the cron job it's not the root url it's the cron job.


Cron job. If that's the case, then that implies that this WebRoot setting is irrelevant since it uses the cron-job to pick up its location? That seems... not at all intuitive.


OK, let's see... my cron job is set to the following:


*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /chroot/home/eidolon/eidolonhost.com/html/billing/index.php cron > /dev/null 2>&1


This should be correct... no?

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Cron job. If that's the case, then that implies that this WebRoot setting is irrelevant since it uses the cron-job to pick up its location? That seems... not at all intuitive.


OK, let's see... my cron job is set to the following:


*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /chroot/home/eidolon/eidolonhost.com/html/billing/index.php cron > /dev/null 2>&1


This should be correct... no?



I don't have that I use: /usr/bin/php /chroot/home/lcadmin/licensecart.com/html/index.php cron

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I don't have that I use: /usr/bin/php /chroot/home/lcadmin/licensecart.com/html/index.php cron


Hmm... this is annoyingly difficult to diagnose... but I suspect your setup is slightly different to mine because you're using BlestaCMS... which allows you to pretty much skip out on using domain.com/billing.


Unfortunately, I can't change the location, otherwise the cron breaks and then the system starts complaining about that. :P


It seems that everything appears to be correct.

  • 0

Hmm... this is annoyingly difficult to diagnose... but I suspect your setup is slightly different to mine because you're using BlestaCMS... which allows you to pretty much skip out on using domain.com/billing.


Unfortunately, I can't change the location, otherwise the cron breaks and then the system starts complaining about that. :P


It seems that everything appears to be correct.



Well when I used billing all I had was: /usr/bin/php /chroot/home/lcadmin/licensecart.com/html/billing/index.php cron


My dev install has this:


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Well when I used billing all I had was: /usr/bin/php /chroot/home/lcadmin/licensecart.com/html/billing/index.php cron


My dev install has this:





What the hell? Then the links should be sent out properly... I do not understand why this is not working as intended.

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What the hell? Then the links should be sent out properly... I do not understand why this is not working as intended.



You have a -q and a >>dev thing which isn't needed unless you have a email in the top right box.

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You have a -q and a >>dev thing which isn't needed unless you have a email in the top right box.


The >>dev one is to silence the system. I didn't want to have my e-mail be full of e-mails from the system doing its thing. :P


The -q portion... I'll remove that and see if that does anything.

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The >>dev one is to silence the system. I didn't want to have my e-mail be full of e-mails from the system doing its thing. :P


The -q portion... I'll remove that and see if that does anything.



You don't get emails when the cron runs :s well I've never had them when I use InterWorx..... The top right box seen in my picture says mailto if you want to.

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You don't get emails when the cron runs :s well I've never had them when I use InterWorx..... The top right box seen in my picture says mailto if you want to.


Interesting. I feel like we have a bit of a split personality thing going on here... heh. Well, it e-mails me if I remove the /dev/null portion. So that stays.


Any thoughts on this, Blesta devs?

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Interesting. I feel like we have a bit of a split personality thing going on here... heh. Well, it e-mails me if I remove the /dev/null portion. So that stays.


Any thoughts on this, Blesta devs?



Do you have anything in the top right box on the cron bit?

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Nope. I edit the cron jobs directly via crontab -e. I do have mailto for other crons, but not specifically for this one.



weird set-up :) but not sure then since I do crons on interworx's thing and don't use mailto for any cron job :)

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weird set-up :) but not sure then since I do crons on interworx's thing and don't use mailto for any cron job :)


If you edit the cron jobs via crontab -e in SSH, it'll show up in InterWorx's interface, too. The interface is simply doing the same thing that crontab -e does in SSH.


As far as mailto... some of them go to different e-mails, for other applications I've got running. One of the mailtos is to an e-mail-to-sms gateway that texts me if it detects something's wrong.

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