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One Service Per Person



I am in blesta, and have created a trial product. The only problem is I dont want clients to be able to have multiple trial products running.  How do I make a service one per person?

13 answers to this question

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You can't at the moment I believe but the are looking at it I could be wrong, search the forums ;D and you can use a plugin to check with a cron and if there's more than one cancel them or prevent them ordering?

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since for now there is no way to prevent customer to order more than one trial.


What I have done is a script run by CRON job that cancel such abuse trial, but since it's software license trial, my script is very specific and is associated with a custom table for log/history of abuse.

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What are you offering trials of? If it's software, and you're using our License Manager, both client and anonymous trials are supported options. We use anonymous trials ourselves, and the system limits 1 trial per hostname.


this behavior is limited to your module , so the module check for this is already licenced or not .


what person ask is 1 package per account . and this should be managed by the system not by the module itself .

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this behavior is limited to your module , so the module check for this is already licenced or not .


what person ask is 1 package per account . and this should be managed by the system not by the module itself .


Perhaps, but if this is turning into a feature request.. how should such a thing be implemented?

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Perhaps, but if this is turning into a feature request.. how should such a thing be implemented?



Maybe a way if possible mate to check a box on the package and if a client has one active or cancelled throw up an error on ordering?

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yes I use the license manager but not with anonymous trials.


so, I agree with this:

Maybe a way if possible mate to check a box on the package and if a client has one active or cancelled throw up an error on ordering?
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Maybe a way if possible mate to check a box on the package and if a client has one active or cancelled throw up an error on ordering?


Some people may want to allow 2, or 3, or 5, or 10. I think such a limitation would have to be specified on the package level, but that instead of a checkbox it would be an input box where you can set the maximum quantity any one customer can have.


Then there's the question of whether it's just active ones, or all created regardless of whether they are active or cancelled or pending.


I assume for this purpose, even cancelled ones would be counted toward the 1?

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Some people may want to allow 2, or 3, or 5, or 10. I think such a limitation would have to be specified on the package level, but that instead of a checkbox it would be an input box where you can set the maximum quantity any one customer can have.


Then there's the question of whether it's just active ones, or all created regardless of whether they are active or cancelled or pending.


I assume for this purpose, even cancelled ones would be counted toward the 1?



Sounds good mate and yeah maybe a radio box for [none] [include cancelled]

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Some people may want to allow 2, or 3, or 5, or 10. I think such a limitation would have to be specified on the package level, but that instead of a checkbox it would be an input box where you can set the maximum quantity any one customer can have.


Then there's the question of whether it's just active ones, or all created regardless of whether they are active or cancelled or pending.


I assume for this purpose, even cancelled ones would be counted toward the 1?


yes, in the package level , maybe a new option "allow 1 package per client" if selected another option of "count canceled service" .


this behavior i have resolved with a custom work .


with my own cart , when the client want to add a new package to the cart , a call a custom function to check if the package is already exist in the client account . one obstacle was when the guest order a this package and login in the checkout , i didn't have a option to show a error for this .


also resolved this with allow only logged-in users to use the form .



but i prefer to see this in the core :)

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