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Service Created , No Invoice Added



i have created a service with the option with Create Invoice checked  + Provision using the module is unchecked .

Invoice Method: Create Invoice
Send Order Confirmation Email: Yes
Status: Active

the service well aded , but no invoice was generated !!!



where i should loo, to see why the invoice is not added ?


4 answers to this question

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I haven't heard of that happening before.


Do you have any custom changes that might interfere with that behavior?

Are you positive you had the "Create Invoice" radio option selected? A mis-click could select a different radio option to either append it to an existing invoice, or not invoice it at all.

Can you duplicate this behavior consistently?

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Hello Tyson .


i have tested again same problem . talked to my staff about this , one of my staff has adresed the same case some days ago with a client account , tested now that client with service and the same result ... service created and no invoice generated .


this behavior now we have just this two clients .

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Hello Again


we have found i think the cause . all this two clients has no invoice method set ... setting invoice method to email and created service solved the problem .


it should normally create invoice even if no invoice method is not set or empty . because the invoice method is the way the client get the invoice delivered . and the invoice should imperatively created . 




we have found in database  , inv_method set to paper , and we have removed the paper option from the invoice method .


so the invoice method is set to a option that is not available now .


normally it should the system make a verification in client settings before disabling any invoice method ? if the invoice method is set by a client do not accept disabling it . or the invoice should be created even if the invoice set by client is not available in the system .



is a trivial option , because this concern INVOICES , and INVOICES are money  .


this query is safe to update all clients inv_method to email ?

UPDATE `client_settings` SET `value`="email" WHERE `key`="inv_method"
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this query is safe to update all clients inv_method to email ?

UPDATE `client_settings` SET `value`="email" WHERE `key`="inv_method"


Yes, that will update the setting for every client in the system. If you have multiple companies, or multiple client groups that support a non-email invoice delivery method, then you may want to further filter the query by company/client group.


I've added the issue as CORE-2187.

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