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Multi-languages in Blesta? Ahi, ahi, ahi....  ;)


This is an old request, maybe not highest priority for me (i'ld like to have knowledge base multi-language prior): we use categories "english", "italian" and so on to fix this.


But i try another time with a +1


Multi-languages in Blesta? Ahi, ahi, ahi....  ;)


This is an old request, maybe not highest priority for me (i'ld like to have knowledge base multi-language prior): we use categories "english", "italian" and so on to fix this.


But i try another time with a +1


i have a multi-languages plugin that will be released soon .


what is your multi-languages requirement ?


i have a multi-languages plugin that will be released soon .


what is your multi-languages requirement ?


Ok, i'll try to report some "language" issues or missing (as reported in our check-list; some already fixed with custom fix or plugin, but i report these for a general view):


- Settings > Company > General > Localization: “Calendar Start Day”, “Date Format” and “Date Time Format” should be a settings in language file (otherwise i select a date format not correct for user language)

- In Settings > Company > Invoice Customization, make “Terms” multi-lingual

- Make email “signature” multi-lingual

- Product description is not multi-language (maybe also product name)

- Support Department name and description and is not multi-language (low priority)

- Knowledge base

- invoice in email in default admin language, no user language

- Plugin name in menu

- allow for a separate, translatable, name/description to be used rather than the gateway name (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4061-allow-for-a-separate-translatable-namedescription-of-the-gateway-name/)


(last but not least) frontend and url (as your http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4717-multilanguage-urls/)! ;)




Others maybe not really "multi-language" (more "localization" better than an "internationalization" issue):

- In client contact  “State/Province” question (e.g. in Italy we have State=Regions and Provinces, main cities in Regions, but select box enums all together)

- format-tax-rate as in http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3564-format-tax-rate/#entry26484



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