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Cron Not Working After Moving Blesta





I just now moved blesta to another server, i changed the db config and re-issued licesne etc and got into admin fine. But after setting up the cron I am getting cron email which says:



On noes!


Undefined variable: argv on line <strong>24</strong> in <strong>/home/avissplc/public_html/billing/index.php



How to fix ??



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I was using earlier /usr/bin thing but I found out that host has disabled argv thing. So I then changed to cli and now its working. But the email I get from cron does'nt supports HTML tags and all the cron output comes in a single line.

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Yes I had updated. That command was not working, so I did the following one and its working but html is coming in 1 line with tags!





GET http://www.avissoft.com/billing/cron/?cron_key=somekey



And output is coming like this:



Attempting to run all tasks for Avis Software.<br />Attempting to apply credits to open invoices.<br />There are no invoices to which credits may be applied.<br />The apply credits task has completed.<br />Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery.<br />No invoices are scheduled to be delivered.<br />The deliver invoices task has completed.<br />Attempting to provision paid pending services.<br />The paid pending services task has completed.<br />Attempting to unsuspend paid suspended services.<br />The unsuspend services task has completed.<br />Attempting to process service changes.<br />The process service changes task has completed.<br />Attempting to process renewing services.<br />The process renewing services task has completed.<br />Attempting plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.<br />Finished plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.<br />All tasks have been completed.<br />Attempting to run all system tasks.<br />All system tasks have been completed.<br />



Tags are not coming as html. They are coming as text!

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