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Auto Cancel Invoice After X Days If Un-Paid


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I just reliased that only this little query is all that takes to cancel the invoice that are 30 days old, not paid and has status as 'active'. The query will just change status from 'active' to 'void'.


UPDATE invoices SET status = 'void' WHERE 
status = 'active' AND
paid = '0.0000' AND
date_closed IS NULL AND
date_due + INTERVAL 30 DAY <= NOW();

You can change 30 to any number of days you like in the query.



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I know they also have this task assigned. I couldn't tell you when they plan on doing it:




the two task is different , the first one for unpaid renewal service , the second for unpaid new orders .


the task for OP request is here https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1686 .


the second task can be done via a custom plugin also .

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CORE-1686 will be in 4.0, which causes unpaid (and not past due) invoices to be voided when a service is cancelled. For auto cancellation, there is a plugin that already ships with 3.6 called Auto Cancel that can automatically schedule services for cancellation after a certain period of time. These will work together, meaning, services scheduled for cancellation with this plugin will have unpaid invoices voided (that are not past due) when cancelled.

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