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Has anyone heard of or used a web client for a Teamspeak server? I'm not looking for a script to control the server or just show stats...


I'm looking for maybe like a flash widget or something that can connect to a Teamspeak server that can be served from a webpage instead of someone needing the Teamspeak app? Any one here know of such a thing?


A guy i worked with a couple of years ago was writing web apps for ts3 but it was limited, only showed people online and allowed messages to be sent. 


He also wrote a rental app that anyone could come and rent a ts3 server for 1-12 hours for testing at the end of this it would reset the users and passwords for the teamspeak server. 


Not really sure why you would need a web app for ts3 now anyway they have a client for every OS Win, Mac and Linux aswell as mobile apps. 


What specific needs did you have for it? 


Well, just looking to put a widget on a webpage (a company "intranet" kind of thing) where they could open talk. This way, it would be from the web app, and not another program they have to install and open.


I dont think it is possible. 


If they had Teamspeak installed you could have a driect connect link on your webpage with a bit of coding you could also have it to show when a support member is online. 


Really though your best best would be to use a live chat integrated to Skype or similar, there's a few around that direct connect to allow clients to call you through Skype although ive never used these before. 

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