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Okay got it. This error though:

Trying to get property of non-object on line 1050 in /home/crissic/public_html/my/components/gateways/merchant/stripe_gateway/stripe_gateway.php


That error should be fixed in the gateway, but the cause is an authentication issue. Double check your gateway settings are valid.

They are valid, I had a space figured maybe it was that but the issue sitll happens when that's fixed. Not sure why >,<.


I got it. If you try to make a payment with an existing account it shows error messages such as "Must be more than 50c. Payment Gateway returned an error" -- why doesn't it do this for new credit cards? Seems better to display error messages rather than spit out a generic error that doesn't make sense to a client if they see it.


Got this email:



Hi Skylar,


We tried to charge your Visa, ending in XXXX, in the amount of $0.33, but the request resulted in an error.


Error Response: Amount must be at least 50c


Please verify that the account details we have on file are correct.


We will attempt to charge your card again once a day until it is successful, up to three times.


Generic errors are often displayed when an error is unknown, or in this case, when it may contain sensitive information. 


Looking at the gateway, I can see you encountered two errors: the first was the authentication issue with the gateway, and the second was that the amount charged was less than 50 cents. The authentication error message that would have been displayed had it not given you an "Oh noes!" error, would have been generic.

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