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In many countries different types of product/service are subject to different rates of Tax/VAT. For example, in Ireland, products are generally 23% VAT, whereas labor would be 13.5%


Currently it is not possible at all that I can see to specify a tax rate to apply to a particular line item. This is a serious shortcoming.


Ideally each invoice line item should be able to have the tax rate specified, as well as each package pricing item.


Has anybody come up with a work-around?





Why not do a coupon for the labour tax if you are charging labour or do two companies one for labour stuff and one for products / hosting?


Coupon would not be compliant with regulations. Two companies does not work either, because a) it is cumbersome, B) the customer now gets multiple invoices from the same supplier, but under different names?!


The companies using our system are the likes of IT houses, PBX resellers/maintainers so they need to invoice for, for example: hardware, installation work, voice calls, line rental. This all needs to be on a single invoice.


Pretty much any invoicing system I have come across allows the VAT rate to be specified per line item or product.

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