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Blesta W/ Google Apps = Barracudda Complaining Of Spf Softfail



Has anyone successfully setup Google Apps with Blesta?   If so, I need your help.


I have setup Blesta as follows:


Delivery Method:  SMTP

SMTP Security:  SSL

SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com

SMTP Port:  465

SMTP User:  billing@mydomain.com

SMTP Password:  Set correctly


Blesta sends an email... My Google Apps account for billing shows the message went out (so it went through Google and I can see it in my "sent" folder on Gmail) and it arrives at mail servers using Barracuda Spam protection.  I can log into the Barracuda account and see that the message arrived at their server, but it gives this error:


Quarantined Sender Policy Framework (SPF) (SoftFail) Not Delivered



It also shows my servers mail server IP as the sender... Which I'm confused by, because shouldn't it be Googles IP?  I can send email from logging into my Google Apps account (billing@mydomain.com) and it goes through with no problem at all.  But anything Blesta sends, is bounced with the above error.  So basically, none of my biggest customers, ever get their bills. All other servers not using Barracuda, seem to get their email just fine...  But something about this setup, gets it kicked out by all Barracuda protected mail servers.  


This is what email gets bounced back to me:


Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain mycustomer.com by d69635a.ess.barracudanetworks.com. [].

The error that the other server returned was:
550 permanent failure for one or more recipients (customer@mycustomer.com:quarantined)



It does the exact same thing if I have it set for PHP, so thinking SMTP would fix it by sending through Google Server, I switched it to SMTP..... Only exact same result.


Any ideas?

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Yeah, that is why I am confused on why Barracuda is complaining about the SPF record for my servers mail server.  I'm not sure how, when I have Blesta configured to SMTP to smtp.gmail.com, that it even comes up with my servers IP address.

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some security application are sometime wrong because, example


your mail box is  :  me@mydomain.com


but your mail-server hostname is :   mymailserver.com


but some security application do not accept an email send by mydomain.com, what ever your SPF, DKIM , DNS record are well set


Or you need to make the mail-server network include IP(s) of your Blesta and IP(of you mail box hostname),


on postfix it's in the config, but since you use google service mail-server, I suspect you will not be able to set it (it's not a dns record)

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Is your SPF record permissive for Google's SMTP server?


This has nothing to do with Blesta and everything to do with your SPF record by the looks of it. Google's servers need to be permitted to send.


We have a Barracuda spam appliance and don't have any trouble. We also use SMTP, but not through Google.

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Oh, Paul, I in no way think this is a Blesta problem itself, sorry if it came off that way... I was just hoping someone else that uses Blesta might be also using Google Apps and could share some advice on how they have it working.  Google/Barracuda/Hostgator have all been of no help on what is wrong.... All I know is, NONE of my emails from Blesta (or I would assume an PHP program on my hostgator server) can't get through, because Barracuda thinks there is a SPF problem... And maybe there is, I'm WAY over my head on SPF records and understanding all the finer parts of it's proper setup.


But, I do have the proper records for Google in the DNS records.  I can send mail from my email account and they pass through with no problem.  It's something that happens when PHP's (Blesta) sends mail out, that it triggers a SPF problem.  But I have it set to pass through Google's (smtp.gmail.com) -- But somehow, it sees my servers IP as the sender and flags it.


If anyone has recommendations, I appreciate it... Or knows someone that can look at it, I'll gladly pay them.  I've been working on it for every day for a week and not one step better off.



Does ANYONE use Google Apps on their domain AND Blesta?

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I looked up your licensed domain and ran a TXT DNS lookup on it. There are 2 SPF records, and the one that is set up to include _spf.google.com appears to be invalid. You should combine your records into a single, valid SPF record. I'm pretty certain this is the problem.

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Any chance you can give more detail on this?  I know it's a little outside "Blesta" support, but I am having the same problem and can't seem to find an answer.



Took a while for a reply,  I recommend ditching Google, have a nice vps with mailinabox set-up and use that with Barracuda.

And your SPF should look something like: 



v=spf1 +a +mx +ip4:IP-Address include:spf.mandrillapp.com ?all


v=spf1 ip4:IPv4-address ip6:IPv6-address mx -all

The MX -all is probably what you want, and the IPv4 / v6 are your server IPs.

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