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Problem W/ Multicraft And Bungeecord Minecraft



So i would love a plan where people can make a bungeecord server no problem, they just buy and get, so I created a plan...but i then realized that the ports that open for bungeecord are different than what multicraft gives it you know. like BungeeCord would listen on port 25577 but multicraft would have it set for 25571. Anyway have some information on this?

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If I understand it, this BungeeCord is a sort of proxy to Minecraft, is that right? And BungeeCord lets users switch between servers on the fly? Sounds pretty cool.


Not sure what you're trying to do with it exactly though -- the Multicraft module does not know anything about BungeeCord. What are you trying to accomplish?

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BungeeCord is just like a minecraft server its a .jar file. MultiCraft can run this and all, and yes it is a proxy thing, but if I assign the BungeeCord to be Port 25565 BungeeCord would listen on a different Port like 25575. Get what I mean, the ports wont line up..

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