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It would be nice to have a 'reset to default' for things like the email templates.  Once you make a change the only way to revert back is to look into the plugin/module code.  Normally you would not want to revert back but there is a couple of times where it would be handy.


For example we have just finished importing all of our customers into Blesta for this import we set up a custom welcome email for the customer.  Now without going into the code there is no way to find out what suggestion Blesta had for a normal welcome email.  Also the Portal would be a good place.  I made a change in there and forgot about it, needed to revert it back and ended up with an Oh noes! error, since I'd not made changes (apart from breaking it) a 'reset to default' button would be nice here too.




I agree, a simple reset to default option would be very helpful. How do think this should look and work exactly? Email templates, and the portal are completely separate (portal is a plugin).


A link or button that says "Reset Template", that replaces the template content?


Hi Paul,


Yes I know they are two different things.  I hit the problem in both that's why I mentioned them however I don't think it's so important for the Portal plugin to have such a link/button.


I think a link that inserts the text similar to how it's done with the 'Predefined Responses' for the support manager would be nice.  If it were a button some people might think it's also saving it at the same time.


And yes to the words 'Reset Template', reset to default sounds like it will reset everything.



I'm just making note, and posting on the forums everything I hit that I think could be improved on as a new user, my feature requests and minor bug reports are almost all done.




Another option would be a link that pops up a window with the original/suggested template contents, so that you can review it and then copy some or all of it as needed. This way, you don't have to completely wipe out your current template in order to cherry pick a few lines from the original template.


I'm partial to just making the original content available in plain-text. Whether that is in the docs, or in the UI itself, so long as it can be copied. Automatically resetting content could end up causing more problems than it solves.


Another option would be a link that pops up a window with the original/suggested template contents, so that you can review it and then copy some or all of it as needed. This way, you don't have to completely wipe out your current template in order to cherry pick a few lines from the original template.



I'm partial to just making the original content available in plain-text. Whether that is in the docs, or in the UI itself, so long as it can be copied. Automatically resetting content could end up causing more problems than it solves.


That would be perfect actually.  A popup that displays what was there by default without changing what you have. 'Show Default Template Text'.


What if we include a documentation link for each template? For example, when editing the Email Template "Account Registration" that link goes to https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Account+Registration


Then, we also update the documentation for each template to include the content for each email template so it can be copied.


Downside: The documentation may contain newer tags that are not available for your version of Blesta

Upside: The most current template content will be available *and* additional tags are listed in the documentation that may be useful.


What if we include a documentation link for each template? For example, when editing the Email Template "Account Registration" that link goes to https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Account+Registration


Then, we also update the documentation for each template to include the content for each email template so it can be copied.


Downside: The documentation may contain newer tags that are not available for your version of Blesta

Upside: The most current template content will be available *and* additional tags are listed in the documentation that may be useful.


A button saying default template mate?

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