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How To Safely Remove Tasty Cpanel Module And Revert To Stock Cpanel Module



I edited packages and changed them to use Cpanel instead of Tasty Cpanel. The login button for existing services did not work at all so I thought maybe I should investigate the MB Importer script to see what exactly it changed only to realise the bastard encoded the importer script with ion cube just to make sure the screwing we received from buying his module was of royal proportions. Yes thank you so much bro for allowing me to pay you to destroy my hosting company, it's like just what I wanted for Christmas.


Anyway I decided to investigate the database to see what I could figure out, so far I changed the "module_row_id" values for all applicable services in the "services" table from Tasty values to Cpanel values, this fixed the login button problem. So now when I click the login link under a service it actually loads the cpanel page for the server but there is no username or password and Cpanel gives an error "You must specify a username to login.". I've tried managing the service and adding the username, domain, and password, and it says it's successfully saved but I don't see it.


I would like for someone with the stock Cpanel module to check the db table named "service_fields" and list the "keys" for a Cpanel service. The keys I currently have are these:


Are those correct?

Any ideas? I would appreciate any help I could get since that bastard took down his support website and didn't even have the courtesy to leave a faq on the website to I dunno... help all the people he scammed get their billing platform back to stock.

6 answers to this question

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I feel your pain and while I don't have the answer to get back to the stock configuration, I did see that cyandark is working on a way to merge Tasty cPanel to his version of cpanel Extended. This may be an option for you??





Otherwise, I'm not sure what you can do. I've done the same and I'm not installing any more 3rd party plugins or modules either. I wish Blesta could grow a bit faster and get more of these great features integrated into the core. Hopefully some day soon.

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I think I got it. :)


I used these crude sql queries to set correct the keys field of service_fields table;

UPDATE service_fields SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, "username", "cpanel_username");
UPDATE service_fields SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, "password", "cpanel_password");
UPDATE service_fields SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, "domain_name", "cpanel_domain");

Caution if you have other modules that use key named "domain_name". Maybe someone more skilled could make a better and more comprehensive reversal script.


Once those are changed, these remaining keys per the same service_id can be dropped:


I believe those keys were solely used by Tasty, not 100% sure about the cpanel_confirm_password key but so far things work without it.

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If I remember correctly default cPanel does use cpanel_confirm_password, but it's not important as you discovered. I think it's used for password changes. I moved from tasty to extended in a similar way a couple days ago. Good thing about extended is it uses the same keys as default so if it does go tits up you'd only need to swap out module_row_id

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Wow talk about vulgar he didn't scam you, you paid for a product which was given to Blesta for free and turned open code. Did he really predict that Blesta wouldn't have grown enough to pay his bills and a solid income? No he needed cash to live on and someone offered him a fucking full time job. Put yourself in his shoes for once. Shall I bother to try and help you now? No. I would have if you didn't try to slag someone off because they needed money to live off. Merry Christmas.

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Wow talk about vulgar he didn't scam you, you paid for a product which was given to Blesta for free and turned open code. Did he really predict that Blesta wouldn't have grown enough to pay his bills and a solid income? No he needed cash to live on and someone offered him a fucking full time job. Put yourself in his shoes for once. Shall I bother to try and help you now? No. I would have if you didn't try to slag someone off because they needed money to live off. Merry Christmas.


Why bother posting a useless unhelpful reply? You can defend his actions all you want but in the real world you both are trying to justify unprofessional business practices. Don't bother trying to help me, keep it to yourself, same as he did. The rest of us who were victims will find our way. This topic is about the rest of us trying to recover and make a living from our hosting business that Tasty module destroyed but our survival clearly does not seem as important as Tasty developer.


If you are a guest at someone's house you do not shit on their dinner table on your way out, you atleast leave gracefully and leave things as they were; Tasty module had no intention of a graceful uninstall or a reversal script. So you can go on with your attitude problem and defend his actions, it clearly didn't affect you so you would not understand. Just because my opinion and experience is different from yours does not mean you should force your beliefs on me.

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Ideally, an import/reversion script would be necessary to ease the switch back from the other module. Such a script should map the module_row_id and service fields over for every service. A somewhat generic script could be written to handle this transition. It's good to hear you were able to handle that manually, though.


If you update the service from the admin UI, the "cpanel_confirm_password" will be saved again, and the password fields encrypted if they weren't already from the other module.

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