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Blesta: 3.6.1
cPanel Module: 2.3.1
1) When using the cPanel module you are unable to add a domain that starts with 'test'.  Error returned:
BlestaResponse Object ( [raw:BlestaResponse:private] => {"message":"The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.","errors":{"cpanel_domain":{"test":"Domain name can not start with 'test'."}},"response":null}
Domains can start with test: testyourfuture.com
2) cPanel module does not allow usernames with period '.' in them.  We have some old cPanel accounts with a period in them.  I just used a temp username and edited the database to get around the checking and reflect the correct username but this should not be required.

The error you're receiving regarding using the word test in the beginning of a domain is an error returned by cPanel. We'll have to look at periods in usernames, didn't realize cPanel ever allowed that.


Hi Paul,


Thank you for your reply.   The accounts with a period were created in 2010 so I guess around that time it was allowed.


I'm not sure cPanel are giving the error for test at the beginning of a domain name.  I have just created an account via the WHM called   teststomthine.com without any error.  I have then decided I should test the API in case that returns the error and created testthis.com without any error.


If I recall correctly cPanel have an issue with the username test.


I have actually just tested this and every account I try create with test at the start of the username fails, not the start of the domain name.


Hi Paul,


Thank you for your reply.   The accounts with a period were created in 2010 so I guess around that time it was allowed.


I'm not sure cPanel are giving the error for test at the beginning of a domain name.  I have just created an account via the WHM called   teststomthine.com without any error.  I have then decided I should test the API in case that returns the error and created testthis.com without any error.


If I recall correctly cPanel have an issue with the username test.


I have actually just tested this and every account I try create with test at the start of the username fails, not the start of the domain name.



cPanel allows Domains with test but no users, The cPanel Module if you don't enter a username, one is generated based on the domain, and this generates this problem. 


cPanel allows Domains with test but no users, The cPanel Module if you don't enter a username, one is generated based on the domain, and this generates this problem. 


I don't want to post the cPanel username here, however it did not include test but still failed.  I was using the Blesta API to import the service but that should make no difference as the same functions are called for validating.


I don't want to post the cPanel username here, however it did not include test but still failed.  I was using the Blesta API to import the service but that should make no difference as the same functions are called for validating.


Open the "cpanel.php" file and go to the 679 Line and Remove This:

				'test' => array(
					'rule' => array("substr_compare", "test", 0, 4, true),
					'message' => Language::_("Cpanel.!error.cpanel_domain.test", true)

Now you can add domains with "test".


Hi CyanDark,

Thank you for posting, I'd like to add for anyone else that may come across this.


Comment out line 728:

$rules['cpanel_domain']['test']['if_set'] = true;

Without doing this you are not able to modify the account with test in the domain name.


for my point of view , 4 module for the same use (cpanel core, cpanel extended, cpanel tasty, cpanel reloaded ) is a pain, i hope to merge them all in one module and take the best functions and maintain one module by the community and the staff is better than deviding the effort in different module.


the important here is that you can't change the module when you have already worked with one, the only two module is working together is cpanel code and cpanel reloaded .


for my point of view , 4 module for the same use (cpanel core, cpanel extended, cpanel tasty, cpanel reloaded ) is a pain, i hope to merge them all in one module and take the best functions and maintain one module by the community and the staff is better than deviding the effort in different module.


the important here is that you can't change the module when you have already worked with one, the only two module is working together is cpanel code and cpanel reloaded .


Well it's not a pain.... what a pain is people complaining about it. The Core is managed by Blesta that's the official one.


The Extended was made by modulesGarden and would take the cPanel module to the next level, but they backed out because of a competitor technically paying them off to make them official.


The reloaded isn't even a module, the reloaded ones is Logicboxes and Proxmox.

The tastycPanel was a better improved copy (version) of the cPanel module which gave you more features and better than the extended, and was maintained by a third party, which then left it to Blesta who will only maintain the security patches if there is any needed. People can use it still if they wish too.


CyanDark improved copy (version) of the cPanel module is a extension to the old one by ModulesGarden and is maintained by a third party, which people can use if they want to...


What's so hard and no you can't swap because one module has different service_field values if they was the same then you could but you can't because of that. The Extended have loads of fields for packages, the cPanel doesn't. Blesta will be adding features to the core when they have time and if they like the idea. IF you don't want to use a third party don't use a third party, no-one is forcing you and the core version works fine.


I want to buy a Land rover car, I then can't just go back and swap it for a Ford, different price range and type, same with the modules.


for my point of view , 4 module for the same use (cpanel core, cpanel extended, cpanel tasty, cpanel reloaded ) is a pain, i hope to merge them all in one module and take the best functions and maintain one module by the community and the staff is better than deviding the effort in different module.

the important here is that you can't change the module when you have already worked with one, the only two module is working together is cpanel code and cpanel reloaded .

I'm merging cPanel Extended with Tasty cPanel. I ported some features from Tasty cPanel to cPanel Extended. I prefer personally (is only my personal opinion) that is better have various modules to choose and not only one that probably not like to all users.

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