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Any one know of a way to integrate WHMPHP into blesta? ive just upgraded my shared hosting account to a "master" reseller (see http://smarthosting.co.uk ) and they use WHMPHP to set-up resellers under my account. Now there is a module for WHMCS (i have a license for that too) but wondered if support is available for blesta as its what i use and would like to keep it like that other wise im gonna have to jump ship :(



3 answers to this question

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There's no module for WHMPHP, but as far as I know that's an addon for cPanel so you don't need a module since it's just allows master resellers.


For Blesta to add it to the to-do list you need a feature request forum and other customers of Blesta to want it, there's someone on the forum who want's WHMReseller and not WHMPHP: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2448-whmreseller-plugin-for-blesta/?hl=whmphp#entry17369


You can get a module coded if you want the cPanel module to grab master resellers and give you the option, or ask the WHMPHP Developers to make one. Personally Master resellers open a lot of issues security wise but hey what ever takes your biscuit as long as it's not zamfoo.

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I would be cautious about master reseller plugins for cPanel, and not just because of the zamfoo debacle. I can't imagine a server would be able to support too many sub-resellers before its completely over subscribed. Personally, I'd suggest offering virtual servers with full cPanel root access.


If that's not an option, please contact whmphp and ask them to build a Blesta module (It looks like they built the whmcs one). We are happy to give them a developer license and answer any questions they have during development.

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I would be cautious about master reseller plugins for cPanel, and not just because of the zamfoo debacle. I can't imagine a server would be able to support too many sub-resellers before its completely over subscribed. Personally, I'd suggest offering virtual servers with full cPanel root access.

the same think here, we can't allow our reseller to offer resellers accounts , they overloaded the servers with account that sometimes can be in over control .

but if the module exist is a plus for blesta :)

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