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I was just wondering if I should use native cpanel module that comes with blesta  OR cpanel extended ? Modulesbakery made cpanel extended and then closed their shop. Someone else is supporting it BUT I fear, what if they stop their support ? I read somewhere that I cannot go back to native module from cpanel extended.


Your comments/suggestions are invaluable to me .


P.S - I haven't checked out the cpanel extended yet.


Blesta will be upgrading their module soon to include some features of the tastycPanel so you could use the stock... it's up-to you.


Upgrading when ? In any case, you are right .I'll go with the safe option.


I don't have an ETA for the updates to the official cPanel module, but personally I'd love to get to that sooner than later. cPanel is probably the most widely used module. One thing we're planning to add into 4.0 is the ability on the package level to set client permissions to which module tabs they can access when managing their service. This will work nicely with an updated cPanel module for those that want make only some of the management features available to clients.


Recently we made the modulesbakery modules open source, adding them here in case anyone stumbles on this:


Tasty cPanel - https://github.com/blesta/module-tastycpanel

Tasty Interworx - https://github.com/blesta/module-tastyinterworx

Digital Ocean - https://github.com/blesta/module-digitalocean

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