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Trying To Create The First Staff Member Is Not Working



Hi again.

Ok seems that finally I  got to install the Blesta version 3.5.3


I got to see the home page, but when I go to the form to create the first member of  staff:

http://my_website.com/blesta/admin/login/setup  (please see the attached picture)


I chose the 30 days trial version, I  fill up all  the  details, and when I click in the button of "finish" , the site is sending the form values and finally just show me a full empty white page  with nothing on it.


This empty white page is still in the  same  url that  before show me the staff form:   http://my_website.com/blesta/admin/login/setup 


any idea about what is  happening ?






11 answers to this question

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Hi, well I  don't have right now teamviewer,  but install it  is not  a problem.


But my server is a Ubuntu Linux server 64 bits running in AWS EC2 Amazon, and I can't change that...


If it is possible, if you can suggest me what is giung  wrong  in the  Staff Login Form page,  why  when  I  send the form  details,  it show me a full empty white page?  is like it doesn't  have the rights for to show the result.

there is any Log file of Blesta where  I  can see any  clue ?



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Hi, well I  don't have right now teamviewer,  but install it  is not  a problem.


But my server is a Ubuntu Linux server 64 bits running in AWS EC2 Amazon, and I can't change that...


If it is possible, if you can suggest me what is giung  wrong  in the  Staff Login Form page,  why  when  I  send the form  details,  it show me a full empty white page?  is like it doesn't  have the rights for to show the result.

there is any Log file of Blesta where  I  can see any  clue ?




White pages are server errors. So you need to look i a error_log.

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White pages do indicate errors, please turn error reporting on.


To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change
Then try again, hopefully you'll be able to see any errors.
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Hi again, ok I  changed  the value and now  is :  Configure::errorReporting(-1);


And now  I am  getting this error in screen :


SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '{database_host}' (0) on line 267 in /var/www/html/blesta2/lib/model.php 

Printing Stack Trace:
#0 /var/www/html/blesta2/lib/model.php(278): Model->makeConnection()
#1 /var/www/html/blesta2/lib/model.php(117): Model->lazyConnect()
#2 /var/www/html/blesta2/components/record/record.php(669): Model->query('SELECT `value` ...', Array)
#3 /var/www/html/blesta2/components/session/session.php(249): Record->fetch()
#4 [internal function]: Session->sessionSelect('9i64enahevr8rou...')
#5 /var/www/html/blesta2/components/session/session.php(186): session_start()
#6 /var/www/html/blesta2/components/session/session.php(38): Session->sessionSet(1800, 'sessions', 'id', 'expire', 'value', 'blesta_sid', true)
#7 [internal function]: Session->__construct()
#8 [internal function]: ReflectionClass->newInstance()
#9 /var/www/html/blesta2/lib/loader.php(211): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#10 /var/www/html/blesta2/lib/loader.php(85): Loader::loadAndInitialize(Object(AdminLogin), 'component', Array)
#11 /var/www/html/blesta2/lib/controller.php(117): Loader::loadComponents(Object(AdminLogin), Array)
#12 /var/www/html/blesta2/app/app_controller.php(0): Controller->components()
#13 /var/www/html/blesta2/app/controllers/admin_login.php(14): AppController->preAction()
#14 /var/www/html/blesta2/lib/dispatcher.php(102): AdminLogin->preAction()
#15 /var/www/html/blesta2/index.php(28): Dispatcher::dispatch('/blesta2/admin/...')
#16 {main}


And if I see the  apache logs I  have this error:


PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'UnknownException' with message 'Invalid callback Session::sessionWrite, cannot access private method Session::sessionWrite()' 
in Unknown:0\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: UnknownException::setErrorHandler(2, 'Invalid callbac...', 'Unknown', 0, Array)\n#1 {main}\n  thrown in Unknown on line 0
[Thu Oct 08 20:39:47.161571 2015] [:error] [pid 21453] [client] PHP Warning:  Invalid callback Session::sessionClose, cannot access private method Session::sessionClose() 
in Unknown on line 0
Any idea about what is happening ?
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Open up your /config/blesta.php config file. Are there values for your database in there? Or is the file identical to the config/blesta-new.php file in the zip file?


It sounds like there may be permission issues with writing the config file. I would suggest attempting a new install, making sure that /config/ and all the files within it are writable by your web server. The installer does a check, but it's possible there may still be some type of permission issue that it's not catching.

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ok what I'm going to ask you to do is just one way to bypass it, since some reason the config isn't able to be written by the server.

go to /config/blesta.php


replace the database details with the correct ones so change {database_host} to localhost etc


Then at the bottom find: Configure::set("Blesta.system_key", '');


Then in that bit generate a really long key in a-z 0-9 and then save the configuration. Then try again.


A site: https://www.random.org/strings/?num=20&len=20&digits=on&loweralpha=on&unique=on&format=html&rnd=new and then use like 4 of them.

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ok I  changed  manually the  values  for the  data base inside the file  blesta.php

I a gave write permissions over all the folder /config  and  their  files  inside.


Now the previous errors are gone... seems  is better  now.

but I  still have an   issue.


When I  try to create a new staff member, I fill up all the  details in the form , I use the option of Free 30 days trial, I  send the form,  that bring me to  this  url page:



And here where before I had a full empty white page,  because now  I am showing the errors, I  got  this new  error on screen:


Call to undefined function crypt_random() on line 1660 in /var/www/html/blesta2/vendors/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php


why is not finding this function? 

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ok I  changed  manually the  values  for the  data base inside the file  blesta.php

I a gave write permissions over all the folder /config  and  their  files  inside.


Now the previous errors are gone... seems  is better  now.

but I  still have an   issue.


When I  try to create a new staff member, I fill up all the  details in the form , I use the option of Free 30 days trial, I  send the form,  that bring me to  this  url page:



And here where before I had a full empty white page,  because now  I am showing the errors, I  got  this new  error on screen:


Call to undefined function crypt_random() on line 1660 in /var/www/html/blesta2/vendors/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php


why is not finding this function? 


Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3923-critical-keep-getting-call-to-undefined-function-crypt-random-when-trying-to-install-blesta/


It's the PHP.ini.

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ok in that post that  you mentioned  say that  :



Put this into /etc/php.ini

include_path = /usr/share/php


I tried it, and  it was not working for me....

Finally   what  I did  and  YES is  working for me  what  this:

Put this into /etc/php.ini

include_path = /usr/share/php5


That is working for me... 

And I am  using a Ubuntu 64 bits Linux in Amazon AWS


Thanks to all for  all the help

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